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Author Topic: QImage scheduler on Synology NAS  (Read 4123 times)
Posts: 2

« on: December 17, 2023, 07:11:14 PM »


I have installed QImage ultimate and configured the scheduler for my Canon Pro-1000 to print the Unclog Patterns (half page). Of course the printer has to stay on to make this possible and also my laptop has to stay on. I'd rather not have my laptop on all the time. Is there a way to send the unclog patterns from a Synology NAS? The NAS is always on. So it would be nice if it was possible to send it from there. About 30 years ago I did something like catch the information that was send to the LPT1 port. The catched file could then be used for other purposes. If I could catch the print output from the Unclog Patterns for my Pro-1000, I then could send it to the printer via my Synology NAS using the Synology scheduler.

Would something like this be possible?

Kind regards,

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2023, 09:27:50 PM »

Not that I'm aware of.  Since Qimage creates a job in the Windows spooler, you'd have to have a Windows machine running anyway.  If there's a way to capture it via USB or ethernet capture, that's beyond the scope of Qimage.

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