I have an Epson P800, mostly print on 8 1/2 by 11. Several times in the last few weeks, when I print a portrait shaped image, it prints landscape, as if the paper was horizontal, so part of the print is off the paper. This has happened when I was printing 8x10 or two 5x7's. Everything I can see on the screen says the orientation is portrait. Orientation and screen under "Properties" say it is Portrait, but the printer prints landscape (which I never have done intentionally with sheet paper. One time, I think the previous job may have been roll paper. Possibly that's a clue.
The only way i have found to solve the problem is to recall a job that printed right, and then put the appropriate images in that job. Is it possible that when just changing back to sheet paper mode, Qimage does not reset everything to "Portrait"

Jeff Jessee