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Author Topic: Qimage Ultimate 2014.113  (Read 17782 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2013, 06:36:33 PM »

I doubt if I can explain it any better.
Can you pass along Queen Elizabeth's email address. ?  I will email a complimentary copy of Qimage Ultimate with a copy of the thread of these posts, and I'll bet, by sundown, she will popping out prints, some with SCB and some without!
Then she can explain it to you, perhaps?  Grin Roll Eyes Wink


try topgran@buckhouse


Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2013, 06:48:00 PM »

Hi Jeff,
What do we think, have I wasted my time, this sel col I have no idea what I am doing!
No but - I think there's an easier way.

Is this the sort of thing your club lecturer was doing is PS with layers and stuff?

Yes, but as usual with PS it was all multi layers and masking out areas, quite a lot of work!  Your B & W conversion looks to be very similar and a lot less work.

I will have to come back to this interesting subject another day and fully explore your procedure. (I am knackerd after roof work all day and SWMBO has decided we are going out tomorrow and Wednesday) There is always something to stop the interesting work.

Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2013, 09:17:07 AM »

Hi Jeff,
What do we think, have I wasted my time, this sel col I have no idea what I am doing!
No but - I think there's an easier way.

Is this the sort of thing your club lecturer was doing is PS with layers and stuff?

Yes, but as usual with PS it was all multi layers and masking out areas, quite a lot of work!  Your B & W conversion looks to be very similar and a lot less work.

I will have to come back to this interesting subject another day and fully explore your procedure. (I am knackerd after roof work all day and SWMBO has decided we are going out tomorrow and Wednesday) There is always something to stop the interesting work.

Hello Terry

I have had another couple of sessions with B & W

Found that if I 'push' things too far start getting bad noise in sky.  Push a bit less and run through Noiseware and get more acceptable result.

Must do it all again and this time keep note of what I actually did.

Results :-

I will be back



The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2013, 09:33:17 AM »

Hi Jeff,
Found that if I 'push' things too far start getting bad noise in sky. 
Yes, it can be overdone  Roll Eyes
Strictly speaking what you see it not noise but exaggerated small patches with variations in tone that are already in the image. I found that keeping Sel Col changes to no more than really necessary, TTS sharpen Except blue sky and using the Shadow NR tool in the editor, a reasonable result can be obtained. Even the over the top example I showed looked fine when printed at A4.
My point wrt B&W, was to show another way Sel Col can be used.
Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2013, 05:03:01 PM »

Hi Jeff,
Found that if I 'push' things too far start getting bad noise in sky. 
Yes, it can be overdone  Roll Eyes
Strictly speaking what you see it not noise but exaggerated small patches with variations in tone that are already in the image. I found that keeping Sel Col changes to no more than really necessary, TTS sharpen Except blue sky and using the Shadow NR tool in the editor, a reasonable result can be obtained. Even the over the top example I showed looked fine when printed at A4.
My point wrt B&W, was to show another way Sel Col can be used.

Hello Terry

I have had another session, and thanks to your suggestion to start from a desaturated rendition I am getting the hang of Sel-Col and B & W.  done a test print and it came out quite well on draft paper.

The Ultimate sel col enhancements with this version are a great update.

Have now made a MO note to aid memory (I forgot the initial desaturate and could not reproduce my first undocumented effort) and had to go to tech corner and reread your post.




The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2013, 07:42:43 PM »

I am getting the hang of Sel-Col and B & W.  done a test print and it came out quite well on draft paper.
We expect to hear from you when you win a B&W competition at your club using this layer free technique  Wink
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