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Author Topic: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow?  (Read 35716 times)
Posts: 11

« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2013, 03:14:48 PM »

But the best, Mike, is DFS and TTS.... Deep focus sharpening, (Beats USM, and no haloes) and TTS, Tone targeted sharpening,
See them in action with the learning videos:
DFS http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=AiVoXcB1uzk&vq=hd1080

TTS http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=xn7Ipw8IAhQ&vq=hd720

It's worth checking out the other videoa too; a comprehensive list!
All videos: http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/learn.htm

Want to bring some sunshine into an image? See the post here: http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/smart-color-boost-simple-sample/msg14659/#msg14659
Another recent Chaney innovation, Smart Colour Boost  Grin


Great infomation Terry.  I am taking it in.  Do you or others use the User Data or IPTC data to do tagging?  I think the IPTC is stored in the .jpg itself but where is the user data stored (i button on picture).  I am a bit concerned about that.  Your workflow and comments about tags and searching would be appreciated as well.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2013, 04:45:44 PM »

Do you or others use the User Data or IPTC data to do tagging?  I think the IPTC is stored in the .jpg itself but where is the user data stored (i button on picture).  I am a bit concerned about that.  
I do not use IPTC because I shoot raw. For some time I made sure I used meaningful folder names (date & description) and used a desktop search program to find things folders and images.

I'm now using QU database and have made a start on adding tags to folders and images - all 17 of 2013 raw image folders are done - about 2600 images. It was not necessary to tag every single image within a folder, especially if a folder contained the same or similar subject matter. I'll work on other years over the Winter.
The QU system is very easy to use and the search results easy to see, whether searching on folder tags or image tags.
but where is the user data stored (i button on picture).  I am a bit concerned about that.
The database is stored in the QU Application data Folder on C-drive, like all of the other saved data related to QU processed images and prints. This is no different for other image software with a database - the data is stored on your PC somewhere, not usually with the image. The QU version is easily found too.
The other neat feature of FCCM is when folders are updated, on anther drive say, the tag data is updated too so when a search is done, folders and images on both drives will be in the results.

A far as basic tagging work flow is concerned, I tag the folder in FCCM when copying from the flash card. I may add or modify that when I process the images. I'll also add tags to individual images as I process.
I wont normally update files on the back-up drive at the same time, but do that every couple of months or so for a whole set of folders.
Another comment: the QU database makes use of Albums to show results of an image tag search. I also use Albums to keep a special set of images together, say for a competition or exhibition.
See screen shots attached, search results for an image description - where you can see I have missed a folder description - and the Album window.
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« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2013, 04:40:31 PM »

I have previously never worked out how to move/backup the side car files with FCCM but using your extensive instructions I think the penny has at last dropped.

I Presume it is a two stage process - one line for the photos and another line for other.  Am I correct? it appears to work.  Screen shot below.

Hi Jeff,
I presume you are referring to a folder that you were working in, and have developed some filter / sidecar files in the same folder, and now you want to move the entire shebang to a backup folder ,,,,, This is the way to do it.: buikt into FCCM is the ability to copy one folder to another in a different location, selectively!


Thanks Fred

"By God I think I have got it"

Very neat and simple when you are pointed in the right direction.


PS. I hope Tech Corner does not dump all passwords after a couple of months!! Still LOL.

Posts: 11

« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2013, 05:34:04 AM »

Wow, I can see the difference in the retention of dynamic range by using RAW processing.  Quite impressive especially with the low light capabilities of the Nikon D7100.

As I get my workflow going, I see not that IPTC only apply to jpeg and that I have to use a database or file names with RAW.  It seems though that the tagging with QI Ult is only one long string.  I think I am used to the flexibility of Gmail labels.  I would want multiple labels for each picture.

At least a .NEF file can belong to multiple albums.  However I wish that I could pick one or more .NEFs and then add it to multiple albums at one time.  Then the albums almost acts like a way to search/organize.

Any comments on tagging & searching is appreciated beyond file names of course....

Thank you.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2013, 07:57:55 AM »

Wow, I can see the difference in the retention of dynamic range by using RAW processing
Ypu'll soon abandon taking jpg's alltogether  Shocked

It seems though that the tagging with QI Ult is only one long string.  I think I am used to the flexibility of Gmail labels.  I would want multiple labels for each picture.
That is not correct, you can have multiple labels for both folder and individual images. All you need is a space between each tag word.
For example I would label an image of a bird as "bird" and its type so the complete tag would be "bird goose" or "bird cormorant" or "bird crow"
I can then search on "bird" and get all bird images; search on "cormorant" and get only those or search on "goose crow" with the OR operator set so the results would include only goose & crow types of bird.
Another point, if I search images for "crow" that picks up images labelled "crow" and other images with words containing the string like "crown".
This is easily dealt with providing the tagging is done properly. In this case I would search on "bird" & "crow" with the AND operator set.
See screen shot attached.
Searching for "flower" AND "crow" produces images of a "Crown Imperial" flower.

Have fun  Grin
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2013, 08:53:28 AM »

At least a .NEF file can belong to multiple albums.  However I wish that I could pick one or more .NEF's and then add it to multiple albums at one time.
I missed that comment first time.
To do that, select a set of thumbs, right click and add to an Album, do it again for another Album, .. etc.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2013, 09:14:31 AM »

At least a .NEF file can belong to multiple albums.  However I wish that I could pick one or more .NEF's and then add it to multiple albums at one time.

Here's another plan.

If you tag your images with a key word like PRINT  or as Terry suggested "Bird or Crow"  You can then do a Data Search clicking on Search Photos, after adding multiple search words.
Qimage makes you an album automatically which will contain all of the searched and found images.
Album Made for you!!
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2013, 09:55:24 AM »

Qimage makes you an album automatically which will contain all of the searched and found images.
Album Made for you!!
I think you would need to re-name it because the search results album gets overwritten at each search.
Posts: 11

« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2013, 05:26:58 PM »

Working at comparing a D7000 and D7100 but have never been able to fully see the EXIF information in Qimage.  Is that better in Ultimate...very important for my workflow to be able to ascertain white balance settings and other settings in the camera....

Is there a way to do this?

The free Irfanview shows detailed exif so nicely.

Thank you for your comments!
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2013, 06:08:56 PM »

Working at comparing a D7000 and D7100 but have never been able to fully see the EXIF information in Qimage.  Is that better in Ultimate...very important for my workflow to be able to ascertain white balance settings and other settings in the camera....

Is there a way to do this?

The free Irfanview shows detailed exif so nicely.

Thank you for your comments!

I may not be too helpful, but do you shoot Raw or JPG?

Irfanview so far, cannot show Raw files.   They show the embedded jpgs.
That having been said, that full EXIF register is not shown in either Qimage.
You do get the F stop and Shutter, and ISO... from the Qimage INFO panel, plus more. See snap attached
Not much help.
Best I can offer.

Posts: 11

« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2013, 01:59:40 AM »

I really do appreciate the comments you guys are making on QI.  In looking momentarily at the features of Picasa, it renders the photos for the screen so quickly.  Is there any way to allow Qimage to run faster, when I press the space bar, it renders rather slowly?  Wonder if I should use Picasa to preview my photos and then workflow into QI_U.  Ugh, the preview images though in Picasa are low quality.

Any comments appreciated.

Oh, also do you guys shoot in Adobe RGB or sRGB in the camera?

Thank you!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2013, 09:07:33 AM »

I really do appreciate the comments you guys are making on QI.  In looking momentarily at the features of Picasa, it renders the photos for the screen so quickly.  Is there any way to allow Qimage to run faster, when I press the space bar, it renders rather slowly?  Wonder if I should use Picasa to preview my photos and then workflow into QI_U.  Ugh, the preview images though in Picasa are low quality.

Any comments appreciated.

Oh, also do you guys shoot in Adobe RGB or sRGB in the camera?

Thank you!

Qimage takes a little longer to show when you use the spacebar method because that is a HIGH Resolution image.
You have quite a few choices to show your images more rapidly.

You can choose from a number of ways.

I like to put them all in the queue CTRL A   and then right click on the preview panel and select SLIDE SHOW.
Then as the images pop on and off, I jot the numbers down that I like.

If you want fast, then again, all images in teh queue, and I go to the PAGE EDITOR (with 2- 5 x 7s per 8.5 x11 page), I can see 2 shots, click NEXT, and see two more, NEXT, and so on and so forth.
These are lower resolution images and will pop immediately.
(Quality in that screen should be at default which is Thumbs/small images)  See snap

Oh, also do you guys shoot in Adobe RGB or sRGB in the camera?

We, Terry and I shoot in RAW mode which has no color space until you define it in Qimage.
Most of us have camera profiles as our color space. If not, we use Adobe RGB.

What is your camera model and brand?
We can see if there's a profile for your camera.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2013, 10:02:50 AM »

Is there any way to allow Qimage to run faster, when I press the space bar, it renders rather slowly?
I have just checked a an 18MP  high quality jpeg and it shows within a second and is no slower than Irfanview.
Are you seeing something slower than this, what time is it taking?
Have you edited these images in QU? If so then it will be slower as the filter is applied; this can vary depending on how many and what sort of edits have been applied. QU applies a filter in a specific sequence to get the best result.
Posts: 11

« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2013, 05:35:06 PM »

Hi Terry,

I will check again.  I press space and have a profile on my monitor.  No QU edits on most photos but some.

Say..I am partly colorblind and am finally getting to doing what I should have done it getting my WB right in camera to reduce post processing.

Do any of you have experience with Colorchecker passport, expodisc, photovision targets, or dtk/vello white/grey/black targets?

I am getting an expodisc used and I think I want to order the photovision 14 inch target as well as the $10 vello card set (BH).  Honestly I don't think I need the colorchecker and software ($89) as QU comes with a D7000/D7100 profile and if I wanted to profile it I could use profile prism which I have seen in other posts some of you have done.

Any comments on the above are invited.  I need to diminish my workflow so that I am not dealing with color corrections after the fact.  It drives my wife crazy....

Thank you, Mike

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2013, 05:59:22 PM »

Hi Mike,
finally getting to doing what I should have done it getting my WB right in camera to reduce post processing.
I think white balance is critical to good colours on an image and is the first thing that I adjust when refining raw images in QU.
Do any of you have experience with Color checker passport, expodisc, photovision targets, or dtk/vello white/grey/black targets?
Yes, I use an X-rite mini colour checker but for white balance only. They have been discontinued now and I bought it when stock was being sold off, still expensive though!
I never rely on camera auto white balance but set my camera to the nearest pre-set appropriate to the light conditions. I take a shot or two of the mini colour checker during most photographic outings and use that to set the WB for a batch of raw images. Alternatively, I'll use the aid in raw refine (CTR Space bar or centre mouse button) to find areas on the image to set WB. There's the slider for adjustment too.
If you don't shoot raw then the same principle can be used for jpegs.
I need to diminish my workflow so that I am not dealing with color corrections after the fact.  It drives my wife crazy..
What I said above may not help this situation  Roll Eyes but QU's ability to copy a raw setting or filter to a batch helps.
My wife thinks she's a Photography widow!  Shocked
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