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Author Topic: QImage ultimate free trial - comments  (Read 6649 times)
Posts: 1

« on: June 14, 2013, 09:32:12 AM »

What I am after

I am a photographer who wants to produce high quality prints, largely for club competitions, large (A3) images for displays and the like. So printing tends to be in bursts, but not that frequent. My workflow is to shoot (Canon) raw files. These are converted mainly using UFRaw or sometimes Canon's DPP for batches. My main image editor is GIMP 2.8. I have an Epson R2880 and use 3rd party refillable ink cartridges (Lyson) and paper (Ilford). I produce my own ICC profiles using ColorMunki.

This all works fine except for the actual printing step. GIMP is not good at printing and I have struggled to find a something that will allow me to print using my own profiles. The Epson print driver is pretty insistent on offering only Epson's paper and ink options unless you turn off colour management completely in the driver. Hence I need printing software that will manage the layout of my finished images on the page and apply my colour profiles.

Via Googling the problem, I came across QImage (actually an article on QImage Lite) as a possible solution. So I downloaded the 14-day trial of QImage Ultimate (v2013.123) and gave it a go.


Firstly, it does the job splendidly. I can position one or more images as I want on the page and produce very high quality results using my own profiles. Fantastic!

However, I have found it rather sluggish and flakey. I am running on a 4-core i7 machine with 15Gb of RAM under Windows 8 64-bit - so it is not underpowered! I find that adding images to a layout often leads to a long pause - with the consequence I tend to press the button more than once and suddenly find I have several pages in the queue. I have also had "List index out of bounds" errors quite frequently. But the real problem is removing images I don't want or have finished with. This is REALLY slow - either clicking the little red "no entry sign" icon on the image in the layout or via the "Clear Queue" context menu item. The biggest problem I have found is that "Clear Queue" menu item. This often seems to freeze the whole thing (I get a "program is not responding" message and have to shut it down). I have found that the best way of avoiding these problems is to print one page, shut the program down, restart, then layout and print the next page as a separate run. I am sure that these problems can be sorted out (I see that there is a version 124 for registered users - maybe that will sort some of these issues).

BUT, the Ultimate version is massive overkill. It has loads of image editing stuff I don't need - I really don't want to get into learning the quirks of yet another image editor and it has lots of stuff, like print logging, that is obviously aimed at professionals who do a lot of printing. Is the Lite version still available? That would seem to do everything I want from looking at the feature comparison chart.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 09:55:45 AM »

Hi Stuart,
Terry is usually better than I am at responding to this type of question.
I also shoot raw canon, but my camera isn't new and the file sizes are not exorbitant.
The one primary thing you need to know about Qimage Ultimate is that it takes a folder of images that it sees for the first time, and proceeds to build cache files for the images.
Depending on the image size and the number of images in that folder, this can take a bit of patience, but it only does this one time per folder.
This job is being done initially, and any procedure you try to do in Ultimate before QU has finished will suffer.
If the thumbnail of an image has a GREEN dot, you can use it right away. But the cache building job is tracked for you at the top center of the screen and you can see: Building Cache  75 of 175
As to removing an image from the queue, there's a red minus button that does that for you.

I am windering since you say you checked the web pages for  comparisons between versions, whether you checked for comparisons between images; images produced by Qimage Ultimate compared to the same image rendered by Lightroom and ACR of Photo Shop.
QU also has teh new and revolutionary DFS sharpening. No more haloes from Unsharp Mask. See video.  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=AiVoXcB1uzk&vq=hd1080

IT also has Tone Targeted Sharpening that allows you to selectively sharpen.

It has Fusion Interpolation compared to Pyramid or others, it blows it away for print quality.

Color management made easy!!!

I could go on and on.... but if you think GIMP is the answer to your digital prayers, then Qimage lite is still available for purchase. http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage/ordering.htm

Good Luck!

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 10:35:04 AM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 46

« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 02:58:23 PM »

Is the Lite version still available? That would seem to do everything I want from looking at the feature comparison chart.

Stuart, I'm not associated with Qimage, but I do use Qimage Pro. I have a Intel Core2 running at 2.7 GHz with XP. I do not have any of the issues you describe when loading fairly large JPEG (7 MB or so) files. Qimage produces some fairly large print files as part of the print process, so processing and sending the data to the printer is not instant. I find it quite reasonable though.

I suspect either the Lite or Pro version would suit your needs. I believe the main difference is the one step more advanced Hybrid interpolation available on the Pro version. However the Vector interpolation on the Lite is likely far superior to the freeware you are using now.

As I understand it the Lite, Pro, and Studio versions are still available to buy but are not going to be improved. There are no more upgrades. I don't see that as an issue as they are all quite mature and stable. I'm not even using the latest version of Pro that is available.

I'm not exactly sure what the Ultimate version is like, but I assume you can select other interpolation methods other than Fusion. You could simulate the quality you would have in the Lite version by doing some test prints with Pyramid and Vector selected, and then compare to the Hybrid available in the Pro version.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 03:02:07 PM by Ron AKA » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 04:53:33 PM »

However, I have found it rather sluggish and flakey.
Where are the images stored - if on a network drive that could be a problem. I have a similar i7 PC, less ram and have nor problems with adding or removing images from the queue. Almost instant even when there is a complex image edit filter present.
Have you got all 4 cores operating with QU, check Edit Preferences, Hyper Processing?
Otherwise you have a PC problem - AV or some other software running in the background hogging resources; check in Task Manager.
Ron said:
but I assume you can select other interpolation methods other than Fusion.
You can but that would be a backward step. Fusion is "world class" and better that anything anyone else can offer.

BUT, the Ultimate version is massive overkill. It has loads of image editing stuff I don't need
I wouldn't be to sure about that  Shocked  Wink Fred has already indicated some of the editing features plus there's excellent raw features. The refine screen may seem too simple for some who are used to a myriad of sliders, but it works. Custom camera profiles are available for a number of cameras, and if not for yours, not difficult to get one made by Mike.
If you don't think print logging is useful for an amateur, think about that again. I use it regularly, and also an amateur.
Even if you don't use all the editing facilities (although Deep Focus & Tone Targeted Sharpening are really a "must have"), you will find the more advanced print and conversion features of QU a great asset.
As an aside, I looked at a section of the Gimp manual on Colour Management. It's far less flexible that QU and also has what I think is an erroneous statement in the section on Soft Proofing. At least it introduces an unnecessary step: -
"the display can be switched into Soft Proof mode. In such a simulated printout, colors that cannot be reproduced will optionally be marked with neutral gray color, allowing you to correct such mistakes before sending your images to the printer."
That is what is  taken care of by using colour managed printing - the conversion "engine" does all that for you. Many  image profiles will have a gamut much greater than the printer gamut and it seems Gimp would expect you to edit them!

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 05:10:57 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 46

« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2013, 02:03:38 PM »

I am running on a 4-core i7 machine with 15Gb of RAM under Windows 8 64-bit... Is the Lite version still available? That would seem to do everything I want from looking at the feature comparison chart.

You may want to check on OS compatibility. The retired versions are said to be suitable up to Windows 7.
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