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Author Topic: QIU as Raw Converter  (Read 26706 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2010, 10:04:18 AM »

The reason I want TIFF files is that I do post-processing and you can open and re-saving a TIFF without worrying about degradation of image, i.e., pixels.  With JPG there should be a minimum of opening and re-saving.
Glad you got it working.
I think you said you have Qimage Ultimate. You should be using the Flash Card Copy Move from Ultimate which contains a fully tweaked Flashpipe.

You do realize, I hope, that you can most everything in Ultimate, Tone Targeted Sharpening, Refine your Raw images with HDR included when you need to recover some highlights, and scoodles more.
You can print right from the RAW image without any conversion.
:-)    Post processing, as the name implies, means mounting on foamcore, or putting your creation in a frame. :-)

As the turtle said, "keep snapping"

Posts: 6

« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2010, 10:02:27 AM »

One anomaly that I would like some one to confirm is that the converted jpg could not be viewed in FastStone my usual photo viewer program.  It simply showed as a completely black image although file size and EXIF info could be read???
Gee, FastStone is usually pretty good.
Is that happening to any JPG you made or only that one?
Did you embed some weird color profile into the JPG that perhaps Faststone doesn't read?

Can you email the jpg to me?    wathree.ssz@verizon.net

I love mysteries!


Appreciate the offer Fred.  I have emailed you a problem jpg, and yes all jpg's converted with FastStone show as totally black.

I will try reinstalling FastStone to see if that helps, although it is reading all other formats including .psd..


Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2010, 06:03:49 PM »

A while ago I had problems with FastStone and black thumbnails.  I can't remember the details - one camera but not another, etc. It occurred a couple of times and on one occasion it was linked to JPEGs that had been edited in Qimage.  The "owner" of FastStone asked for copies but couldn't duplicate the problem.  However, updating my video driver seemed to be the cure.

Posts: 6

« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2010, 03:16:44 PM »

A while ago I had problems with FastStone and black thumbnails.  I can't remember the details - one camera but not another, etc. It occurred a couple of times and on one occasion it was linked to JPEGs that had been edited in Qimage.  The "owner" of FastStone asked for copies but couldn't duplicate the problem.  However, updating my video driver seemed to be the cure.


Hi Sandy

Yes, it must be something on my system but it is strange that it only effects Qimage conversions.  I get a black jpg even if i do not carry out any editing operations.

I am running Win 7 64bit on a Quad core AMD with 8Gb ram.

It is very frustrating as FastStone is my default viewer.  I will try installing FastStone temporarily on my laptop, if it does not complain about already being installed on my desktop, and see if it happens again.



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2010, 07:55:19 PM »

It is very frustrating as FastStone is my default viewer.  I will try installing FastStone temporarily on my laptop, if it does not complain about already being installed on my desktop, and see if it happens again.


It just occurred to me that your JPG image was created with the G-1 camera profile embedded as the color space.
It is possible that you have an older version of FastStone that doesn't understand that?


Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2010, 09:07:19 PM »

Hi Sandy

Yes, it must be something on my system but it is strange that it only effects Qimage conversions.  I get a black jpg even if i do not carry out any editing operations.

I am running Win 7 64bit on a Quad core AMD with 8Gb ram.

It is very frustrating as FastStone is my default viewer.  I will try installing FastStone temporarily on my laptop, if it does not complain about already being installed on my desktop, and see if it happens again.



FastStone is free so you should be able to install it on as many PCs, laptops, etc as you want.  Of course donations are welcome - and I donate because it is also my default viewer and I use it a lot.  Almost as much as Qimage!  Do try updating you video driver.  Mine is nVidia 6300 (on board).  I know. it's ancient etc but I am just in process of assembling something new.
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