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Author Topic: QIU TIFF read error  (Read 8942 times)
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« on: September 15, 2014, 05:06:58 AM »

Hello Mike et al.

I am using the most recent release of QIU (as of 15 Sept).

I have struck an unusual problem. 16 bit colour TIFFs with either LWZ or "Deflated" compression and exported from GIMP, are not read properly. See the attached screen capture.

All my other image processing programmes generate thumbnails and display the images correctly. If I export the same TIFFs from GIMP uncompressed then QIU will read the files correctly.

I initially thought that it may be a GIMP (16 bit beta) problem however images produced a year ago using GIMP (an earlier 16 bit beta) with compression no longer display correctly. So it seems that some changes in QIU over the last year have led to the problem.

The TIFFs are 50 to 150MB in size.



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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 08:47:13 AM »


There are so many versions of compressed Tiffs that it's a minefield, they should be avoided unless you are sure you are using a version which you know is compatible. Even then, there are few reasons to use them as large files are not the problem they used to be. This is not a new problem, I used to run into it 10 years ago when I was still working - there has never been a real standard.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 09:18:38 AM »

Thanks for your reply Brian.

Yes, I too have been dealing with the idiosyncracies of TIFFs for some time.

My primary question relates to what has happened within QUI for it to no longer read the specific TIFF.

My solution was to not compress the TIFF rather than use lossless     
compression. The files have doubled in size and that can quickly consume many extra gigabytes.



There are so many versions of compressed Tiffs that it's a minefield, they should be avoided unless you are sure you are using a version which you know is compatible. Even then, there are few reasons to use them as large files are not the problem they used to be. This is not a new problem, I used to run into it 10 years ago when I was still working - there has never been a real standard.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4277

« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 11:18:22 AM »

I agree with the minefield statement.  TIFF file reading, especially 16 bits, is what it is.  I will not be changing anything WRT TIFF reading.  When I save a 16 bit TIFF compressed with LZW in PhotoShop or LR, it reads fine in QU so I suspect GIMP is using some non-standard format such as "per channel" pixel order or ZIP compression.  The current TIFF support in QU supports the greatest number of common formats.  If I change it so that it's happy with GIMP, then it'll be incompatible with Lightroom or PS.  If I change it so that it's compatible with 16 bit Lab color, then it won't read 16 bit grayscale TIFF's, and so on.  So it's always a compromise.  The TIFF reader that I use now is the one that is compatible with the most permutations that we see.  Needless to say, I'd rather it be compatible with PS and LR than GIMP.  So if you are using GIMP and GIMP doesn't have a way to turn off whatever non-standard file saving option is causing the problem, you're stuck with uncompressed.

Also, keep in mind that to be reading/saving 16 bit/channel TIFF's, you have to be using one of the "unstable" builds as the latest official release doesn't support 16 bit TIFF's.   So it's very possible that they have issues with 16 bit file saving in those pre-release builds.

Edit: After further investigation, if you click "Advanced" at the bottom of the TIFF export dialog (same dialog as the one where you select LZW compression) and you uncheck "Save thumbnail", QU can then read the saved TIFF.  They may have a bug in TIFF file saving in that unstable release.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 12:13:40 PM by admin » Logged
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 10:51:15 PM »

Hello Mike.

Yes, unchecking "Save thumbnail" did the trick.



Edit: After further investigation, if you click "Advanced" at the bottom of the TIFF export dialog (same dialog as the one where you select LZW compression) and you uncheck "Save thumbnail", QU can then read the saved TIFF.  They may have a bug in TIFF file saving in that unstable release.


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