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Author Topic: QU thumbs and center panel colors are faded, way off from actual image colors  (Read 8943 times)
Posts: 10

« on: March 20, 2019, 12:33:45 AM »

I recently had to rebuild my Win 10 computer.  Everything including QU reinstalled perfectly EXCEPT the QU thumbnail and center display panel colors are way off.  They are washed out and subdued.  The softproof colors are perfect and so are the edit panel colors perfect.  The prints come out correctly. I have tried everything I can think of to get the thumbs and center display panel to display the correct colors.  The colors were fine before I had to rebuild win 10.  The color difference is very, very obvious. It is probably something simple, however, I am definitely not seeing it.

I would appreciate any help.  Hopefully, Mike reads this and can shoot me an answer.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2019, 08:51:02 AM »

I recently had to rebuild my Win 10 computer.  Everything including QU reinstalled perfectly EXCEPT the QU thumbnail and center display panel colors are way off.  They are washed out and subdued.  The softproof colors are perfect and so are the edit panel colors perfect.  The prints come out correctly. I have tried everything I can think of to get the thumbs and center display panel to display the correct colors.  The colors were fine before I had to rebuild win 10.  The color difference is very, very obvious. It is probably something simple, however, I am definitely not seeing it.
Hi Bob,
step by step:

1) Set thumb quality to best by using menu item set to Best Thumb Quality See screen snap 005.
2) Now do a rebuild of thumbs in current folder using Select all and rebuild selected. see Screensnap 007
3) If all is well, you can continue to do each folder, or use screen snap 006 to redo them all.
4 When doing 007, say hello to "James"
Posts: 10

« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2019, 06:52:39 AM »

That worked.
A very long, slow process to rebuild thumbs and I have only allowed tiff and psd files.  If raw and/or jpeg was selected I would still be working on the first folder.  I have a fairly new and very fast system with 32 gb ram but trying to browse anything more than tiff and psd files in QU and my computer is on its knees.  Any other image browser I use is very fast but not QU.  Not sure what it is doing but after 1/2 hour to browse a folder with only 256 images I gave up and ended it with the task manager.  Tried again with a different folder and the same thing.  It never used to be like this.  I now have only tiff and psd selected and still very slow to browse and also render thumbs, however, manageable.  Once rendered everything is quick.

If you have any ideas about what might be happening I would appreciate you insights.
Thanks again.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2019, 09:47:10 AM »

f you have any ideas about what might be happening I would appreciate you insights.
Thanks again.

Bob, the explanation is straightforward.
First of all, TIFs and PSDs are larger files. They will take longer. JPGs and Raws are  more reasonable in size. (Assuming you have a reasonable number of Pixels per shot)
The rebuild in your case involves deleting the old thumbs and rebuilding new ones.
The task is CPU intensive and is a one time build.  Qimage is building more than thumbs, but the cache files that go with each image. Once done, they stay with your images.

You can improve your wait time by Using the selection in the drop down menu from Thumb Cache folder, RAW only or new raw only.

I am curious to know the pixel dimensions of your images. You might have one of those NIKONs with a 75 megabyte image file and a 36.3 Mega pixel size, and that would take a while.

Repeating the main point, QU is building high Quality cache files along with the thumbs. This is the important fact to keep in mind since it is a one time build, and contributes to te extraordinary quality I get from Qimage.

Hope this helps.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2019, 10:33:15 AM »

Terry Skyped me with a thought.....
It's a new computer and possibly some basic settings haven't been looked at.
There's one in Qimage where you tell your processor how many threads to use.
See attached screen snap.
After a lot of testing years ago, best overall speed was when set to all threads and AUTO.
But have a look. It might be set incorrectly.

Posts: 10

« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2019, 08:22:13 AM »

Sorry for the delayed response.
The core settings recommendation was a help - a little quicker.  Thanks
I am one of those with a Sony and 42mp files - actually closer to 80 on disc.  I have set the file types to only TIFF and PSD as I don't print raw or jpeg.  I only use QU for printing.
Interesting that it renders the files so much slower now than it did before the reinstall of Windows and QU.
I am pretty tech savy, however, I did miss the multicore setting in QU and it is possible I have missed something somewhere else.  I will keep looking.
I am used to Capture One rendering my raw images in 1 - 2 seconds even for the large raw files.  As an example the day before I posted the original thread I ingested 243 42Mb files (81-83 on disc) and CO rendered all 243 to highest quality 2560 in just under 5 minutes.  I tested QU for raw renders for the exact same 243 images and it only took 27mins 34 seconds - there were no tiffs, jpegs or psds.  This was before reset the multithreading - I am going out tomorrow and will test my days shoot and see if it is just as slow - I expect not.
Thanks so much for your help
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2019, 11:00:53 AM »

I am used to Capture One rendering my raw images in 1 - 2 seconds even for the large raw files.
Are you sure it's actually rendering the raw file and not just displaying the embedded jpeg file that all raw images have?
QU does that initially with raw files, before producing the raw cache .
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2019, 02:23:47 PM »

I am used to Capture One rendering my raw images in 1 - 2 seconds even for the large raw files.
Are you sure it's actually rendering the raw file and not just displaying the embedded jpeg file that all raw images have?
QU does that initially with raw files, before producing the raw cache .

That's what I was thinking.  I don't think it's actually developing the raws if it only takes 1-2 seconds.  Capture One might just be pulling the embedded JPEG from the raw.

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