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Author Topic: Question about use of templates in production workflow.  (Read 11544 times)
Posts: 32

« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2019, 07:28:00 PM »

Just make a template for each size you use.  i.e 10 x10, 12 x 12 or any other size that isn't square. 8 x 10, 11 x 14, 12 x 16 etc. It takes less that a minute to make them.
The rest you will have to listen to Mike as to which method you like and the placement on the roll.
Wish you the best

That's my problem Fred. I can easily create templates to a specific size and adding borders to these works great too... BUT...they only work if crop mode is switched on. As soon as you deselect crop, you lose your original layout! Qimage tries to save paper and reduces the larger borders. Maybe this is one for the wish list, but if templates had an option to either lock the original size or reduce to save paper, this would be a really useful feature. Mike's workaround is great for one off prints but roll paper printing with multiple prints of different sizes becomes a pain to do under these circumstances. Would this be difficult thing to achieve in a future release?
Fred A
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« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2019, 07:48:09 PM »

That's my problem Fred. I can easily create templates to a specific size and adding borders to these works great too... BUT...they only work if crop mode is switched on. As soon as you deselect crop, you lose your original layout! Qimage tries to save paper and reduces the larger borders. Maybe this is one for the wish list, but if templates had an option to either lock the original size or reduce to save paper, this would be a really useful feature. Mike's workaround is great for one off prints but roll paper printing with multiple prints of different sizes becomes a pain to do under these circumstances. Would this be difficult thing to achieve in a future release?

Maybe I just don't understand.
When you select a print size, Qimage has to look at the aspect ratio of the image. Most cameras are 3:2, some 4:3 and most images are processed to taste my the user manually cropping as I do mostly.  The aspect ratio is now varied.  If it is imperative that  I fill in a requested print size, whether it is 10 x 10 or 12 x 16, the crop scissor is on to give QU permission to fill the print size request The images you select to print are likely to have various aspect ratios. Try them without templates.
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« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2019, 08:20:50 PM »

That's my problem Fred. I can easily create templates to a specific size and adding borders to these works great too... BUT...they only work if crop mode is switched on. As soon as you deselect crop, you lose your original layout! Qimage tries to save paper and reduces the larger borders. Maybe this is one for the wish list, but if templates had an option to either lock the original size or reduce to save paper, this would be a really useful feature. Mike's workaround is great for one off prints but roll paper printing with multiple prints of different sizes becomes a pain to do under these circumstances. Would this be difficult thing to achieve in a future release?

I'm not aware of any software that will allow you to define multiple page sizes within a single job.  What you are asking is for QU to have a second set of bounds: you'd have to have a print size for each print and another for a "page size" for each print.  Borders are print borders: they appear around your print.  So if you have crop on and add a 1 inch B border to an 8x10 print, you get a 6x8 print with a 1 inch border all around.  But if you turn crop off and you have a typical 3:2 image, your print cannot be 6x8: it can only be 5.33x8 and you'll end up with a 1 inch border around that print which gives you a 7.33x10 inch print (including borders).  It's not changing the layout to save space: it's changing the layout because it has to since you've asked it to do something it cannot do.

It's possible that it could be added by, for example, introducing a third type of border: like a "fill border" that could increase the border size beyond what you specify to fill out the size to the original requested size (making two larger borders on 2 sides).  I'll look into it.  For now, it'd be best to just create the layouts you typically use.  That is, use my reply #4 and create a setup for 12x16, A4, A3, 8x10, and any other sizes you want and save them and name them accordingly.  Then when you want to print an A4, open the A4 setup, print, open the 8x10 layout, print, etc.  That's the easiest way I can think of in the current version.

Posts: 32

« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2019, 09:40:04 PM »

Mike / Fred

Thank you both for the time you have given to this. From reading replies, I think there may be some confusion, most likely caused by my own poor use of terminology/definitions. Sorry about that!

The existing template functionality is really very good. I can see how this would really suit most workflows. I guess that I would prefer my templates to act in the same way that a page works when using print to file. With print to file I can create a page that is A4 and drop an image with any aspect ratio on to the page with one inch border set and cropping switched off and Qimage does exactly what I want. With a template, I try to do the same thing and the template changes size if the image is a different aspect ratio. In simple terms, if I create a 12 x 16 template, I want it to remain 12 x 16 and the image to fit within the available space, allowing for borders. Just like print to file.

I really like the workflow Mike explained (this will save me many hours when working with single images). It's incredible just how many features I have still not explored after many years using Qimage. I will keep a close eye on future updates in the hope that I can someday use templates in my preferred way.

Keep up the good work guy's and thanks again!

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