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Author Topic: Question on the log's memory of the media preset  (Read 5608 times)
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« on: May 20, 2014, 02:48:36 PM »

In 2013 I used a new paper and made a new media preset for that paper in the HP Z3200-PS driver. Since I have used that paper and recall jobs done with it the driver takes another media preset than the one originally selected. The printer profile recalls correctly. I wonder where and how Qimage Ultimate stores the name of the media preset in the log files so I can check what goes wrong. It is not that I will not check whether the media preset is correctly recalled, it is my habit to do that but with this paper the media preset is always replaced by the same wrong one. Could it be that there is a limited number of media presets it can recall and falls back to the highest number possible?

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

April 2014, 600+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 07:37:32 PM »

You're describing a known HP Z3xxx series driver bug that has been around for a long time.  If you set too many presets within the driver, the driver itself gets confused.  Not sure what "too many" is but the bug has been around for a long time.  QU doesn't save the media type by name nor is there any limit.  When driver settings are saved, they are basically saved as a binary "block": a sort of memory snapshot.  Without reverse engineering it for that particular printer/driver version, I wouldn't even be able to tell you what part of that binary block contains the paper type.  Only thing I can tell you is that others have solved the driver bug by deleting some presets.

So either they have not fixed this bug or a driver update has made something incompatible.  To test the latter, use "Help", "Reset printer settings", and then restart QU.  When you restart QU, do not load any old jobs or printer setups: create one from scratch using the driver and save it afterward using QU's "File", "Save" feature which will write a fresh driver memory block for that setup.  Loading an old one can load the incompatible binary image that was causing the problem to begin with.  So starting from scratch and just rebuilding your preset via setting all the appropriate driver settings and resaving might fix the problem too.

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 09:01:02 PM »

Thank you Mike. There probably is a paper I can throw out but I will do the other thing first, driver has not been updated though.

Edit: deleted some media presets from the driver and the recalls show "Any paper" in the driver which is fine.

BTW, it would be nice if I could select more log files in one go and delete them. Print proofs that were not satisfying, cancelled prints etc, I want to remove. I understand that for a recall only one can/should be selected.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

April 2014, 600+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 11:11:51 AM by Ernst Dinkla » Logged
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