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Author Topic: Question or Request  (Read 9020 times)
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« on: November 26, 2013, 08:55:18 PM »

Is it possible to type an extra line of text from within Qimage to a job log file? I can select text in a recalled job log and copy it but little else. Say when I did something odd like using another paper than the profile relates to and want that information to remind me next time I repeat that job, can I add that short text?

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 09:09:00 PM »

Hi Ernst,
Is it possible to type an extra line of text from within Qimage to a job log file?
Yes, I've just tried it  Smiley
See screen shots below.
Open the saved jobs with recall or the automated job log.
Click the "Explore Current Folder" icon, second from right at the top (2nd screen shot)
Find the job file and open with notepad, edit the text and save.
I added the word "comment" (1st screen shot)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 07:54:41 AM by Terry-M » Logged
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 10:56:20 AM »

Terry, thank you.

That works and saves me the route to the log file outside Qimage.

It is not a fast way though, the right file has to be found by comparing the file name with the date in the list.

Negative: the number of prints of that file in the job log list increases with every line of comment added and the page number falls back to 1 where it was 2 or higher. I guess Mike links the number of lines after the line "jobs finished etc" with the print number in that file list.

Positive: the file edit does not influence the time order of the jobs, that is based on the name instead of the file date. The edit does not influence a new print run, it delivers the same prints.  But saves of course a new log file without comment.

An old question-request, on behalf of Bernard too: a fast way to jump between search selections in the print log file. Now we have to scroll to get to the next one or group.

BTW Terry, do you use canvas shrinking here for other reasons? The profile suggests an RC Photo paper.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 10:59:53 AM by Ernst Dinkla » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 12:04:11 PM »

Is it possible to type an extra line of text from within Qimage to a job log file? I can select text in a recalled job log and copy it but little else. Say when I did something odd like using another paper than the profile relates to and want that information to remind me next time I repeat that job, can I add that short text?

Excuse me for butting in, gentlemen!

I have had a need to do what Ernst wants too, but I solved it simpler than that.
I saved a JOB with a certain paper as usual.
Now I changed paper as in Ernst's example, all I do is click on the SAVE ICON (top left corner of Qimage's main screen, second button). Then when the screen opens, I click the J button for JOBS.
I find the already saved job, click to select.
The name appears in the FILENAME box. I just add :::  Epson Prem Luster, and click SAVE.

Now you have 2 JOB saves... you can keep them if you did save using 2 different papers, or Right Mouse on the one you don't want, and DELETE!

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 12:13:31 PM »

BTW Terry, do you use canvas shrinking here for other reasons? The profile suggests an RC Photo paper.
I have found that Ilford Smooth Pearl expands a little and as I make my own mounts too where I try to be quite precise, the 0.5mm growth over 400mm can be a nuisance. The Canvas Shrinkage value you spotted is negative therefore allows for growth rather than shrinkage.
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2013, 12:44:30 PM »

Is it possible to type an extra line of text from within Qimage to a job log file? I can select text in a recalled job log and copy it but little else. Say when I did something odd like using another paper than the profile relates to and want that information to remind me next time I repeat that job, can I add that short text?

Excuse me for butting in, gentlemen!

I have had a need to do what Ernst wants too, but I solved it simpler than that.
I saved a JOB with a certain paper as usual.
Now I changed paper as in Ernst's example, all I do is click on the SAVE ICON (top left corner of Qimage's main screen, second button). Then when the screen opens, I click the J button for JOBS.
I find the already saved job, click to select.
The name appears in the FILENAME box. I just add :::  Epson Prem Luster, and click SAVE.

Now you have 2 JOB saves... you can keep them if you did save using 2 different papers, or Right Mouse on the one you don't want, and DELETE!


Fred, thank you.

It is in the auto log files that I want to add the comment. I guess you are referring to the "manual" job specifications saves but I hardly use them. My habit is to check actual printed jobs with a search on the customer's file name or similar in the auto logs and then go by the profile name for loading the paper and setting the media preset (which the HP driver also checks with the loaded paper description). More than 2000 jobs there I guess and growing. I know I would not check a "manual" saved job but when in doubt and that usually happens after I made the mistake :-) Maybe if there was an icon that showed both the manual saved job settings together with the auto ones and ordered on date it could help me. But that is a request as well.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2013, 12:49:20 PM »

BTW Terry, do you use canvas shrinking here for other reasons? The profile suggests an RC Photo paper.
I have found that Ilford Smooth Pearl expands a little and as I make my own mounts too where I try to be quite precise, the 0.5mm growth over 400mm can be a nuisance. The Canvas Shrinkage value you spotted is negative therefore allows for growth rather than shrinkage.

Thought so. Shows that added features often create a total more than the simple sum of all features. Printers enough that have no length adjustment in their calibration tools.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2013, 12:55:04 PM »

Actually the Auto Job log is easier...
Just Right click on the name of the JOB, and select RENAME
Add the additional comment

Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2013, 04:05:03 PM »

Actually the Auto Job log is easier...
Just Right click on the name of the JOB, and select RENAME
Add the additional comment


Fred, that looks like the best route to take right now, Thank You.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

July 2013, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
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