Is it possible to type an extra line of text from within Qimage to a job log file? I can select text in a recalled job log and copy it but little else. Say when I did something odd like using another paper than the profile relates to and want that information to remind me next time I repeat that job, can I add that short text?
Excuse me for butting in, gentlemen!
I have had a need to do what Ernst wants too, but I solved it simpler than that.
I saved a JOB with a certain paper as usual.
Now I changed paper as in Ernst's example, all I do is click on the SAVE ICON (top left corner of Qimage's main screen, second button). Then when the screen opens, I click the J button for JOBS.
I find the already saved job, click to select.
The name appears in the FILENAME box. I just add ::: Epson Prem Luster, and click SAVE.
Now you have 2 JOB saves... you can keep them if you did save using 2 different papers, or Right Mouse on the one you don't want, and DELETE!