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Author Topic: Qimage Ultimate RAW Development Workflow  (Read 35177 times)
Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2014, 02:11:06 AM »

Hi Ron,
I was wondering if those using Qimage Ultimate to develop their RAW images would be willing to share their basic workflow steps.
You could make a start with the Learning videos:
Have a look at those  and ask any questions you may have.
The main features of  QU raw processing is:
a) it's smart in that exposure fill etc is done automatically by QU adjusting for each image INDIVIDUALLY.
User adjustments can be made noting that ....
b) there are a minimum of sliders to fiddle and be confused with.
c) exposure adjustments are made by clicking any one of the 9 rectangles in the raw refine screen or more recently, drawing your own rectangle over an area that you want to use to control the balance of the image.
d) Additional highlight recovery, if required, can be made with the HDR slider.

My workflow for raw is:
1. Copy & re-name the raw images from the flash card using QU Flash Card Copy-Move feature.
2. Open the folder of raw images
3. Wait to let the raw cache be built
4. Open raw refine for the images I want to check, either as a batch by selecting a set of thumbs or place them in the queue.
5. Check & Adjust white balance.
6. Make any adjustments as described in c) and d) above.
7. Close refine screen and open the image editor to do any additional sharpening or other "conventional" adjustments.
8. Print from the raw image and/or convert the image for web or email use.


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