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Author Topic: Raw cache confusion  (Read 8840 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« on: August 08, 2013, 12:57:16 AM »

Boy - am I messed up.  I think I don't understand the difference between the raw cache and the lightning raw cache and how the raw options really work.  So, I have several hundred new photos to bring in, and I just didn't want to wait while the raw cache was built, so I said - "ah let me go into Raw options and turn off the lighting raw cache for now"  So you know what happened next - as soon as I made the change, QU sort of locked up for a minute or so, and then informed me that it had deleted 2175 files from the raw cache.  I just wanted to temporarily suspend this - not undo everything. So now, each time I open a folder, it is rebuilding the thumbs and then the cache, although apparently not the lightning raw cache.

So, I'll accept the dunce hat of the day award, but tell me, is there any way to do what I want to do - that is temporarily suspend building cache without destroying those already built?

Mel W
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 01:05:31 AM »

Raw cache building is just an adjunct to the thumb builder so if you just want to suspend the raw cache building, I think you want to click on "Thumb Builder" on the top menu and then "Stop".  It'll take a few seconds (up to a minute on large raws) to stop because it has to finish the (1-4) raws that are currently in the builder.  But it will stop.  Maybe I'll change that menu item to "Thumbs/Cache" to prompt people to look there.

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 01:17:56 AM »

Thanks - of course if I had read the menu, I would have seen that.  What I wanted was the thumbs but didn't want to wait for the cache, but since they are done sequentially, I could have hit Stop after the thumbs were built. How much faster is the lightning cache from the regular raw cache (ballpark)?
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 07:35:58 AM »

Thanks - of course if I had read the menu, I would have seen that.  What I wanted was the thumbs but didn't want to wait for the cache, but since they are done sequentially, I could have hit Stop after the thumbs were built. How much faster is the lightning cache from the regular raw cache (ballpark)?

There is no such thing as 'regular raw cache'... You either invoke cache files or it skips making raw cache.
Here's the deal.
If you turn off the raw cache, then you essentially get thumbs, and when you want to place an image into the editor for example, without a cache file, you will wait for the raw to load ...
That can be excruciatingly long if you have a newer camera with a gazillion megapixels.
So what is raw cache.?
It is a virtually loss-less copy file that Ultimate builds so you can work efficiently and quickly with huge files.
There is another stage of raw cache which get used temporarily even while the raw cache is building; again to make you more efficient.
They get used when the dot on the thumbnail is green for go.
You can start working even though the real, full, cache files are not complete.
Those delete themselves as soon as the green dot disappears.

Hope that helps a bit.


Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 11:38:40 AM »

Thanks Fred - still confused.  I turned off the box in raw options that says lightning raw and just went for quality thumbs.  So now, when I go into a raw folder for the first time, it first builds the thumbs, but then proceeds to say it is building raw cache. So if there really just is or isn't cache, then what did I turn off when I turned off lightning raw? And then what is being built after the thumbs?  It gives me the impression that if I don't have lightning raw cache, there is some other type of cache that is just not as fast.  But not?  (sorry to be so dense about this)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2013, 12:08:27 PM »

It gives me the impression that if I don't have lightning raw cache, there is some other type of cache that is just not as fast.  But not?  (sorry to be so dense about this)

No cache files are being built... Never mind what that counter is doing... nothing is happening.

Try this:
Open Utilities.
Select Explore Qimage application data.
Open RAWCachefolder
Delete a cache jpg...
Leave the folder open and when you go back to the thumbs, right click after you selected that thumb, and ask it to rebuild the cache for that thumb.
All those cache files were built by Lighning Raw cache.

Uncheck that in options and they will be deleted and NOT rebuilt when you return to that folder.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 01:58:01 PM »

I turned off the box in raw options that says lightning raw and just went for quality thumbs
When you do this you are warned, see attached screen shot below. The warning explains what will happen.
Answer NO and the cache is retained. Switch back to Lighting raw and answer No again and no re-build required, original cache is still there except for any new images.
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 05:44:06 PM »

Fred and Terry - Thanks to both of you. 

Fred - got it - I see what is going on just by poking around in the cache folder. And you are correct - that cache counter that starts after the thumbs are built is what had me fooled - not sure what it is doing or why in the situation where raw cache option is turned off, but I see that it starts it over again whenever I open a folder that does not have raw cache.

And Terry - If I had just carefully read that screen and acted accordingly, and checked NO, then this whole thread would have been unnecessary, as that is all I wanted to do - leave the existing cache in place, but not build any for the folder I was about to open which contains about 100 - mostly useless - raw images.  I am so used to software assuming that I am an idiot (which would not have been far off in this case Cheesy) and asking me if I REALLY want to do what I just said, that I just mindlessly clicked Yes.

Thanks again - as it turns out it worked out well.  2175 images in raw cache.  I only need about 150 of them for now - the rest needed to go anyway - I need to remember to clean up more often.

Mel W.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 06:17:13 PM »

Thanks again - as it turns out it worked out well.  2175 images in raw cache.  I only need about 150 of them for now - the rest needed to go anyway - I need to remember to clean up more often.

Mel W.
You are aware, I hope, that under Utilities, you can delete cache older than......

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