Title: Re: v2014.127 issues/comments Post by: Fred A on November 26, 2013, 05:02:24 PM Quote Database search tool: File/folder name search now allows specifying multiple preferred search folders. See above! Hey folks, I must tell you an interesting story from this morning. I was working in Coreldraw 11 making a blank DVD page to use in Qimage to make and print custom DVD labels. I already made the Template in Qimage and it prints DVD labels perfectly, but now I wanted it to be blank so I could add text using Floating Text. Just right for me... so when I move folders to a DVD, the face label will tell me what is inside. So I got all done positioning the circles and I saved it in Corel 11. Then I did "something" Something in the SEND TO menu in Corel 11. It froze! It froze so bad that all I could get was "ding ding" on mouse clicks. Task manager closed it. Anytime I tried to open it, I was back on that frozen screen. I tried to open my saved file in Corel 6 that is also on the machine, but 6 will not open a save done with Corel 11. I uninstalled it, and reinstalled ti. Still back to that screen; frozen! I decided there must be an INI file that is corrupted and needs to be "whacked". Where is it? Windows 7 search is a waste... It will bring up any file with the three letters (ini) anywhere in a file. Guess what? I went into Qimage Ultimate, used the Search engine and told it to find ini and Corel (both must be together). I set the search to look in C:\ and lt it fly. Less than 1 second later Qimage Ultimate search found it for me. I was amazed!!! Had to pass it along!! Epilogue: That didn't fix it either. The problem seemed to be in a registry entry.... phooey! I dumped Corel 11 and Installed Corel 12 which I had, but didn't like as much as 11. I recovered my saved file, and just printed my DVD labels for my own DVD Photo back up/archives. I need a nap... Fred |