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Author Topic: Recall jobs - some "arrive" without image. Also - Acceptable QU file formats?  (Read 9791 times)
Posts: 34

« on: June 04, 2012, 08:35:29 PM »

Why are some Job recalls coming in w/o images.  I don't remember having moved or deleted any image files.  I wonder if some files, on first entry, being flagged with "not acceptable QU format"  but can be used generally in QU  - but do not work in "Recall"?

Where do I find the parameters for acceptable QU file formats?  Can't find it in Help or in this forum's Search. 

When installing new images I occasionally get that warning - "x" number of images not cool.  However, they seem to be allowed in and functional, at least for some printing projects.

Thanks,   Gordo
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 08:52:31 PM »

Why are some Job recalls coming in w/o images.
because in fact you have:
I don't remember having moved or deleted any image files
That's the only reason I know why this happens.
Where do I find the parameters for acceptable QU file formats?
Do you mean what file types QU can use? If so you can find then in Edit, Preferences, Include Files types.
I reasonably sure that Mike has designed QU to accept file types conforming to International Standards. However from odd reports on this forum where other editors past & present, mess up the image file headers, Mike has built in error detection so that QU can read the file.
That is why:
When installing new images I occasionally get that warning - "x" number of images not cool.  However, they seem to be allowed in and functional, at least for some printing projects.
If you have specific problem images I suggest you report them on the forum with the precise wording of error report. Sometimes problems occur when an external editor has not been set correctly to save images for maximum compatibility etc.

Posts: 34

« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 11:06:17 PM »

Thanks Terry.   After your notes, I did some checking   I have a QU folder with 42 images....all from my PS processing (99% imported to QU as .tif  1% as .psd.   I've produced only greeting card jobs ~ 65 jobs.  I'll bet my ranch and yours that I haven't deleted more than 1 image or moved ANY of those 42 images.  Most of these jobs contain borders and floating text (not on the image).

I started a test... recalling Jobs:   Jobs #1, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19 came in with images.  The other 13 jobs came in without an image (just the diagonal, red stripe pajama rectangle correctly sized and positioned & with, border & text.  13 loosers - 7 winners!  Need I check all 62 jobs?

I need some serious detective work!   This has been bothering me for quite a while but since my volume is low, I just clicked the "+" sign on the thumbnail to add the missing image and printed the job.....not bothering to test (as above) to find how spotty my "Recall" function is.  .....In an otherwise flawless program. Thanks Mike and the Forum team. 

Is it possible to correct the saved jobs files of the missing link to images?

I asked about file formats because I don't understand why I was always getting this warning dialogue when loading images when I was almost exclusively using .tif.    some 48bit, layers, unflattened....

To process, I'm running PS on an Apple Mini  10.6.....absolutely the only thing on that rig is my photo life - then handing off to QU on XP-Pro.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 07:38:26 AM »

In an otherwise flawless program
I assure you, it's not the program but something was changed either in file path or file name.  Shocked
It works perfectly here for jobs going back months, except where I've moved images to an archive drive.
Is it possible to correct the saved jobs files of the missing link to images?
Re-save the job after you have corrected it by adding the images again, or, the auto job log will save it when printed again. Editing the saved job files would be a nightmare!
I asked about file formats because I don't understand why I was always getting this warning dialogue when loading images when I was almost exclusively using .tif.    some 48bit, layers, unflattened....
QU is an 8 bit program and automatically converts 16 bit images to 8 bit for printing. However, images with layers have to be flattened.
To process, I'm running PS on an Apple Mini  10.6.
I seem to remember that can be a problem too - something to do with Apple output of images being different to that from Windows programs - check the format options for tif's from the Apple version of PS.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 07:59:29 AM by Terry-M » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 09:05:18 AM »

I need some serious detective work!
Check a job that does not recall correctly by looking at the data.
See attached screen shot below - that shows all the information - does it match exactly to the current location & name of the image(s)?
Tell us what you find, screen shots preferably.

PS. Are you definitely first saving and then recalling the complete job and not just the "Settings"? When saving and recalling there's an option to save either.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 09:52:24 AM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 34

« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 08:38:52 PM »

Thanks very much, Terry!!!   After your notes, I realized that I had changed the names of several folders.  For greeting card work I include size and orientation in image file names & folders:  57V = 5"x7"Vertical  or 57Horiz.  Later I realized that by holding strictly to a width-length order in dimensioning, I could simplify to 57 or 75,  dropping the V or H  ...simplifying names. 

So, after cleaning the egg from.......and technically speaking re (my ranch/your ranch wager), I hadn't moved or deleted any images, I just changed folder names from Cards 57V to Cards 57   :-)  or :-(  ......so, you don't win my ranch, but certainly my appreciation & admiration for your depth of knowledge in QU!!  So I'm busily recalling jobs, adding the images and re-saving.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2012, 09:46:01 PM »

Thanks very much, Terry!!!   After your notes, I realized that I had changed the names of several folders.
Thanks for reporting back.  Grin
Some of us get a little "possessive" when QU is said to have a problem so we always like to get to the bottom of it one way or another.
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