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Author Topic: Recent Jobs disappeared from Recall list  (Read 8377 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« on: September 28, 2018, 08:08:23 PM »

I just launched Qimage Ultimate v2018.125 and printed a saved job. The program cautioned me about printing a job that had scaling in the driver, which seemed a bit odd, since I hadn't seen that message before when I printed that particular job. But I opened the Printer driver options and unchecked the scaling option, then printed the job which came out normally.

Then when I went to Recall another job, I saw to my horror that all the jobs I've saved in the last year or two have disappeared; only older jobs with an older legacy printer are on the list, except for the one I had just printed and resaved. If I've inadvertently made some kind of blunder, can I undo it?

I've looked in the folder that Recall opens (C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save) but don't see any clues.

Windows 7 64 bit Pro
Intel Core Duo CPU E8400 @ 3 GHz
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2018, 07:48:30 AM »

Then when I went to Recall another job, I saw to my horror that all the jobs I've saved in the last year or two have disappeared; only older jobs with an older legacy printer are on the list, except for the one I had just printed and resaved. If I've inadvertently made some kind of blunder, can I undo it?

I've looked in the folder that Recall opens (C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save) but don't see any clues.

Hi Bill,
The thing that hits me off the top is what I have done in the past.
That is, to have the wrong button of the group of 7 choices selected and it filters out the jobs?
Which button are you clicking for RECALL; top left of screen, or little yellow folder to the right of Properties button on settings screen?To see JOBS, you must click the "J"  button. Try the button with the  * to see all.
Manually, Look in the folder marked LOG for saved JOBS.
Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 11:22:30 PM »

Hi Fred,
I've never recalled any Jobs from the little yellow folder to the right of the Properties button on the Settings screen (& I haven't found or seen those buttons like "J" etc.)
As always, I'm clicking File>Recall and plenty of Job files from up for selection, but only ones that are much older and which (except for my latest print Job) are for a printer that I no longer have.
Apart from that latest print job, the {Q}startup.job and the {Q}unclog.job, the most recent saved print Job I see in the Recall list is dated June 2014!
I wonder if I've inadvertently bumped a key and hidden 4 years of saved Jobs, or Qimage has hidden or deleted them.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 01:11:34 AM by BillHorne » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4287

« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2018, 03:45:14 AM »

The only thing I can tell you is that Qimage didn't delete those jobs.  It only deletes files in the "Log" folder and then, only if you have job logging set to keep, for example, the most recent 100 jobs.  Even if you wanted to delete jobs from there, if you delete them from within Qimage, you'd have to delete one at a time which would take a long time and would have to be an obvious move it it affects multiple jobs.  Maybe an overzealous antivirus program or something else deleted them?  Check your recycle bin and also click the "Open Automated Job Log" button at the top of the main UI and check the automated job: see if jobs got deleted from that too.  If so, something other than Qimage must be "targeting" your job files.

Also be sure the dates are correct.  If some other program somehow changed the file dates, maybe the jobs are still there, but with the wrong dates?  Other than those things or maybe inadvertently restoring a backup or something, I can't think of anything else.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 03:47:05 AM by admin » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2018, 02:54:37 PM »

I had this happen to me once (or I should say I caused this to happen).  I had inadvertently changed the designation of the folder where jobs should be saved.  Go into your file explorer and browse around the folders that are either in the neighborhood of, or sub-folders to ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save. 

For me it worked this way: At some point I had created a sub-folder of Save for all of my saved jobs.  When I changed the settings back to default at some point, the only jobs I found were several years old.  But the most recent ones were in the sub-folder where I had been putting them up until I restored the default. May not be your situation, but it's worth a look.
Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2018, 09:28:54 PM »

Thanks, Fred & Mel. I use a current version of Malwarebytes and there are no Job files quarantined in its folders; none showing up in my Recycle bin.
The good news is that the Automated Job Log reveals them, and if I change directories so that Recall opens via C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Log, they show up there, too. Dates seem correct. They just don't have the file names I had assigned, which makes accessing them a bit of a chore - I'll have to search through thumbnails instead of file names.
I suppose I can resave and rename all of them as needed, but I wish there was a way to get them back.
Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2018, 10:42:09 PM »

That folder contains the automated job log which will have any job that actually went to the printer or were processed by Qimage. I am still betting that somewhere in that same zip code, you will find a folder that has your job files with the names that you assigned to them, even if you are not as slipshod as I am in keeping track of what you are doing. 
Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2018, 01:42:41 AM »

Mystery solved: I did a search of my C drive and found some of my Job files from the past 4 years located in C:\Users\Public\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save. Changed the path in Recall and there they are.
Somehow Qimage had launched with the path C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save which only had older jobs with a legacy printer. Whew.
Thanks for the encouragement and patience, Fred and Mel!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4287

« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2018, 02:02:32 PM »

That's a first for me!  The default location is actually \ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage but it is user selectable upon install.  The only way it can change to \Users\Public\ddisoftware\Qimage is if the "Application Data" folder is changed upon install or you use the migrate option under the Utilities menu in Qimage.

Jr. Member
Posts: 73

« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2018, 05:38:22 PM »

Not sure how this happened, but it took place after my most recent upgrade to v2018.125. I had launched Qimage Ultimate, recalled and printed a Job which printed normally, deleted an older version of a different format of that job using a legacy printer, then went to Recall another Job to print and that's when I first couldn't see my Jobs saved from the last 4 years. I guess that's when the path changed. Anyway, I now know where I can look if this happens again. Thanks.
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