
Posts: 13
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:27:35 AM » |
I've typed in my email for the registration But how come every time when I re-open it, the registration window will pop up and ask me to type my email again?
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 10:11:22 AM » |
Aaron, I've typed in my email for the registration But how come every time when I re-open it, the registration window will pop up and ask me to type my email again?
Please explain where, and when, during which process? From within Qimage Ultimate HELP/ABOUT or from the web page? Fred
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 10:20:01 AM by Fred A »

Posts: 13
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 11:40:54 AM » |
Aaron, I've typed in my email for the registration But how come every time when I re-open it, the registration window will pop up and ask me to type my email again?
Please explain where, and when, during which process? From within Qimage Ultimate HELP/ABOUT or from the web page? Fred Whenever I open up the Qimage Ultimate, the registration window will pop up and when I close it and open it again, it will pop up again which mean I have to type in my email address every time when i open the software aaron
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 03:52:46 PM » |
You didn't say whether or not you got the message "Thank You. Registration Verification Complete." So let's handle this both ways:
(1) You did NOT get the above message: make sure you are entering the email address used when you placed the order. This is your "official" email address with us and how we identify you.
(2) You DID get the message above: your system has a utility that is blocking QU from writing values in the registry or your Windows registry is corrupted. When you get the above message, QU has written the email address you used into the Windows registry. If it asks you again after that, it means that something (Windows, an AV utility, etc.) has blocked that registry entry from being saved by QU. The solution is to make sure you don't have any registry "sniffers" or other software that might be blocking QU and make sure your Windows registry isn't corrupted. There are some registry repair tools available if the latter is the case. Just google registry repair tools.

Posts: 13
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 06:08:59 PM » |
You didn't say whether or not you got the message "Thank You. Registration Verification Complete." So let's handle this both ways:
(1) You did NOT get the above message: make sure you are entering the email address used when you placed the order. This is your "official" email address with us and how we identify you.
(2) You DID get the message above: your system has a utility that is blocking QU from writing values in the registry or your Windows registry is corrupted. When you get the above message, QU has written the email address you used into the Windows registry. If it asks you again after that, it means that something (Windows, an AV utility, etc.) has blocked that registry entry from being saved by QU. The solution is to make sure you don't have any registry "sniffers" or other software that might be blocking QU and make sure your Windows registry isn't corrupted. There are some registry repair tools available if the latter is the case. Just google registry repair tools.
Dear Mike, I've uninstalled my only security program which is Microsoft Security Essential. My Windows XP is fresh installed about 2 weeks ago. And my registration window still popping up every time when I open Qimage Would you please tell me what kind of reg repair software (hopefully is free) for the best bet in my case. thanks aaron
Fred A
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 08:09:48 PM » |
You didn't say whether or not you got the message "Thank You. Registration Verification Complete." So let's handle this both ways:
(1) You did NOT get the above message: make sure you are entering the email address used when you placed the order. This is your "official" email address with us and how we identify you.
(2) You DID get the message above: your system has a utility that is blocking QU from writing values in the registry or your Windows registry is corrupted. When you get the above message, QU has written the email address you used into the Windows registry. If it asks you again after that, it means that something (Windows, an AV utility, etc.) has blocked that registry entry from being saved by QU. The solution is to make sure you don't have any registry "sniffers" or other software that might be blocking QU and make sure your Windows registry isn't corrupted. There are some registry repair tools available if the latter is the case. Just google registry repair tools.
Mike Please answer the above questions.

Posts: 13
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 09:23:13 PM » |
You didn't say whether or not you got the message "Thank You. Registration Verification Complete." So let's handle this both ways:
(1) You did NOT get the above message: make sure you are entering the email address used when you placed the order. This is your "official" email address with us and how we identify you.
(2) You DID get the message above: your system has a utility that is blocking QU from writing values in the registry or your Windows registry is corrupted. When you get the above message, QU has written the email address you used into the Windows registry. If it asks you again after that, it means that something (Windows, an AV utility, etc.) has blocked that registry entry from being saved by QU. The solution is to make sure you don't have any registry "sniffers" or other software that might be blocking QU and make sure your Windows registry isn't corrupted. There are some registry repair tools available if the latter is the case. Just google registry repair tools.
Mike Please answer the above questions. 1. I did get the message that say thank you. reistration verification complete 2. I'm running XP and never seen this message came up to me. and as i asked on my last reply do u have any recommandation about the registry fixer software? thanks

Posts: 5
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2012, 05:56:58 AM » |
I have had this same problem since I installed QI Ultimate on Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Home Premium systems. The former I run in English mode, but it has a Japanese core system: the Premium is Japanese only. On both configurations, each time I complete the registration details I receive the confirmation message and the details are written to registry, where they remain.
When I first contacted Mike about the problem he wondered if there was a registry read problem, but I don't run any programs on either configuration that might interfere with reading registry and my virus & malware definitions are always up-to-date. I have no problem registering and using QI Studio on my Win 7 Ultimate set-up or on an old Japanese XP system. I wondered at the time whether the problem might be related to using a Japanese system, but Mike thought not. But if, as I suspect, aaronchan is using a double-byte (Chinese) version of XP, then maybe there's something in common with his problem and mine.
Addendum: I've just installed QI Ultimate on the XP system mentioned above and I have the exact same problem.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 06:04:18 AM by Nissin »

Posts: 13
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2012, 04:31:05 PM » |
I have had this same problem since I installed QI Ultimate on Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Home Premium systems. The former I run in English mode, but it has a Japanese core system: the Premium is Japanese only. On both configurations, each time I complete the registration details I receive the confirmation message and the details are written to registry, where they remain.
When I first contacted Mike about the problem he wondered if there was a registry read problem, but I don't run any programs on either configuration that might interfere with reading registry and my virus & malware definitions are always up-to-date. I have no problem registering and using QI Studio on my Win 7 Ultimate set-up or on an old Japanese XP system. I wondered at the time whether the problem might be related to using a Japanese system, but Mike thought not. But if, as I suspect, aaronchan is using a double-byte (Chinese) version of XP, then maybe there's something in common with his problem and mine.
Addendum: I've just installed QI Ultimate on the XP system mentioned above and I have the exact same problem.
You are Amazing Nissin!!! So I go to control panel, Regional and Language Options, Advanced tab, Language for non-unicode program, if I select English (United States), and restart my computer, I just have to register with my email once and everything will be set. But after that, if I change it back to some other language, such as Chines (PRC), the registration window will start to popup again every time I open QI. Seems like Mike would have to fix this problem for such a user like me, who has to select a different language for non-unicode program. Thank you very much Nissin, you are good! Regard, Aaron
Fred A
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2012, 08:46:21 PM » |
So I go to control panel, Regional and Language Options, Advanced tab, Language for non-unicode program, if I select English (United States), and restart my computer, I just have to register with my email once and everything will be set. But after that, if I change it back to some other language, such as Chines (PRC), the registration window will start to popup again every time I open QI.
Seems like Mike would have to fix this problem for such a user like me, who has to select a different language for non-unicode program.
Hi fellows! Just trying to duplicate the problem, I did exactly what you fellows did. I did it two ways. I changed to Chinese (PRC) and left both languages active where a selector tab comes on in the taskbar and I can switch. The second way I tried it was to change to Chinese (Prc) and delete English so there was no language selector. Qimage opened perfectly every time with no pop up registry at any time. My thought is that both of you are running Windows XP and I am using Windows 7. That might be a windows bug in XP that has been addressed since then. I am just guessing. Can anyone replicate the registration problem who is using W7? Fred
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2012, 09:02:02 PM » |
Seems like Mike would have to fix this problem for such a user like me, who has to select a different language for non-unicode program.
Thank you very much Nissin, you are good!
Regard, Aaron
Maybe that's the problem: Qimage Ultimate is a unicode program! The retired editions are not but Qimage Ultimate was converted to unicode about a year ago. So it already writes everything to the registry using unicode compliant APIs. I don't know much about what XP does when you switch languages though. The only thing I can think of is that it (the OS) is trying to "convert" strings in the registry from one language to another. If so, that could mess up the registration values since they're already unicode. Mike

Posts: 5
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2012, 02:25:03 AM » |
I can confirm aaronchan's 'fix' works for me too on Win 7 Ultimate (Japanese). As I mentioned in my original message, the OS is setup to function totally in English except that I have to retain Japanese as the non-unicode language because without this setting MS Outlook cannot display Japanese characters in message headers. As Mike suggests, it would seem that there is a conflict between the way registration information is encoded by QI Ultimate and the way that Chinese & Japanese Win XP & Win 7 write or read the values.

Posts: 13
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2012, 04:32:40 AM » |
I can confirm aaronchan's 'fix' works for me too on Win 7 Ultimate (Japanese). As I mentioned in my original message, the OS is setup to function totally in English except that I have to retain Japanese as the non-unicode language because without this setting MS Outlook cannot display Japanese characters in message headers. As Mike suggests, it would seem that there is a conflict between the way registration information is encoded by QI Ultimate and the way that Chinese & Japanese Win XP & Win 7 write or read the values.
So here is my question, if I upgrade my XP to Windows 7 which I'm going to do soon, will I still have the same problem as you discribed since I have to set my non-unicode language as Chinese according to use some non-unicode chinese program. aaron

Posts: 5
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2012, 07:11:54 AM » |
I can confirm aaronchan's 'fix' works for me too on Win 7 Ultimate (Japanese). As I mentioned in my original message, the OS is setup to function totally in English except that I have to retain Japanese as the non-unicode language because without this setting MS Outlook cannot display Japanese characters in message headers. As Mike suggests, it would seem that there is a conflict between the way registration information is encoded by QI Ultimate and the way that Chinese & Japanese Win XP & Win 7 write or read the values.
So here is my question, if I upgrade my XP to Windows 7 which I'm going to do soon, will I still have the same problem as you discribed since I have to set my non-unicode language as Chinese according to use some non-unicode chinese program. aaron Yes, I'm afraid so. My experience suggests that whichever version of Win 7 you use, the registration problem will remain as long as your non-unicode language is Chinese - or Japanese, as in my case. Later I'm going to experiment by setting other languages as the non-unicode option to see if they also cause a problem. I'll let you know how it goes. Nissin

Posts: 5
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2012, 07:47:07 AM » |
As I suspected, only the three double-byte languages - Chinese (traditional & simplified), Japanese and Korean - seem to cause problems with registration if they are designated as the non-unicode languages in Win 7. So, as things stand on my system, the only way I can avoid re-registering each time the program is opened is to use English. This is not an option for me, however, as I need to read Japanese mail. It's not a big deal: it's just a bit annoying, especially as the folder structure gets reset sometimes when I open an image directly from Lightroom to Ultimate. Nissin