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Author Topic: Renaming  (Read 17430 times)
Full Member
Posts: 101

« on: October 21, 2010, 08:31:40 AM »

Could this be broken in QU?

I use ?y?m?d?h?n?s?. Qimage Studio renames a file taken at 09:51 on Oct 11th as 20101011095136. Qimage Ultimate renames it as 20101016150556. If you ask QU to have another go, it renames it 20101016150556(0001), even when it's the only file in the folder!

This has caused complete chaos in my image database :-(
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4253

« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2010, 12:38:06 PM »

Both Studio and Ultimate go by the file modified date.  I suspect you are using two different files: the original that Qimage Studio renamed has a file modified date of Oct 11 and the one you are playing with in Ultimate is a copy that has a different (Oct 16) file modification date.

Full Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2010, 01:41:47 PM »

That's not the behaviour I'm seeing here. As you say QU is renaming according to the modified date but QS is renaming according to the date taken, which is what I'm used to and also what I need. I've taken that same file and put it in a folder all by itself. QU gives me 20101019161414. I then use QS on that same file (after QU has renamed it) and I get 20101011095136
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4253

« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2010, 05:54:04 PM »

That's not the behaviour I'm seeing here. As you say QU is renaming according to the modified date but QS is renaming according to the date taken, which is what I'm used to and also what I need. I've taken that same file and put it in a folder all by itself. QU gives me 20101019161414. I then use QS on that same file (after QU has renamed it) and I get 20101011095136

Shouldn't matter unless you are doing something to the file to modify it because the date taken and the file modified date should be the same.  If you are downloading from a flash card for example, the file modified date and the EXIF date taken should be the same date/time.   Not sure what you are doing to get them out of sync.

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 06:55:31 PM »

Hi Anthony,

interesting sort of related thread here - if you've not seen http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/thumb-sort-order/ - At the end Mike says ' I'm happy to think like a programmer and not a photographer' so you'll really have to explain the importance of what you want to do  Grin

Readily visible in the exif info are three dates, any of which could be useful, and are different to each other. Then there is the windows file date, which is different from those, too. I guess to do what you want, you will have to write iptc info and sort on that.

Best wishes,

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4253

« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 08:39:00 PM »

interesting sort of related thread here - if you've not seen http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/thumb-sort-order/ - At the end Mike says ' I'm happy to think like a programmer and not a photographer' so you'll really have to explain the importance of what you want to do  Grin

Ray: Not exactly in context but I guess a typical "jab" from you... that was in reply to the statement "The basic "problem" is that you and Mr. Gates think like programmers; Nikon and I think like photographers."

But yes, it would help to know what you are trying to do and what step in your process is changing the file modified date.  The file modified date and the "date taken" should remain in sync until you modify the image in some way and resave/overwrite the file so it'd be nice to know where in the process that date is getting changed.  It doesn't always make sense to use the EXIF "date taken" because in some cases, there is no EXIF data, in other cases there is EXIF data but what you really want to sort by is the date the file was last changed.  Qimage doesn't currently have both options and the most versatile is the file modified date because it covers all cases (with or without EXIF date) and is a Windows standard.  It's not always desirable to pick the EXIF date if there is one and switch to something else if there isn't.  So yes, my job is to think like a programmer because, well, you are using a program and that program must behave in a known/logical fashion not just for one person with their particular workflow but for a host of different cases.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 08:42:16 PM by Mike Chaney » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2010, 12:11:30 AM »

Hi Mike,

The basic problem is that not everybody wants to do things the way you think they should. It should not be difficult to give folk choices. I believe you added something wrt the sort in the link I referenced, once the op in that post had explained what he wanted. I was pointing out to Anthony that there was a similar request in that thread, with presumably a satisfactory outcome, after the op had persistently argued his case.

There are, I expect, many photographers who would like to sort images by the time when the images were originally taken, perhaps in the situation where more than one photographer/camera were present at an event*. A similar need may be if the images are edited/processed at a later date, or in some other order than originally shot.

Think yourself lucky I am still able to  'give you a jab' now and again. If I didn't care, I wouldn't bother   Wink

Best wishes,


* and then possibly sort within that by lens or owners name or whatever  Shocked  Cry
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2010, 06:10:16 AM »

There are, I expect, many photographers who would like to sort images by the time when the images were originally taken,
I'm one of those and the answer is simple, re-name the images as you download your flash card in the format yy-mm-dd_camera image no. and sort by name.
The other scenario's you mention; multiple cameras etc. could be easily managed by loading into different folders. If you did sort by owner or individual camera within one folder, it would not be obvious where one started and the other ended! It could all become rather academic and if you really wanted to know the lens detail, read the exif directly.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4253

« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2010, 02:06:54 PM »

The basic problem is that not everybody wants to do things the way you think they should.

That's not really the problem.  My job isn't to pick what I like best.  My job is to sort through a thousand requests and pick: (1) what appears to be the best option to satisfy the most people while (2) avoiding feature creep and bloat.

It should not be difficult to give folk choices. I believe you added something wrt the sort in the link I referenced, once the op in that post had explained what he wanted.

True... I made a change in that case since I could do it without adding new features or selectable options to complicate the interface.  And I'd also like to point out the fact that the entire problem was that we had one person shooting at 9 fps which was faster than the Windows operating system could handle with respect to date/time.  That's really dealing in the minutia which I normally don't do but I did it in that case because, like I said, I could make a change to improve it without changing anything at all in the interface or adding more options that would likely appear obscure to 99.9% of people.  Sure, it wouldn't be difficult to add choices, but I have to be convinced it is needed because choices add complexity.  I have to factor in the fact that: (1) the same renaming convention has been used in FlashPipe for over a year and Ultimate for three months without a single complaint or even a reference to this renaming issue and (2) this really shouldn't be an issue as I said earlier if the file is being handled properly.  So why add complexity that is likely to not be used by the vast majority of people and that would only be there to correct a (non Qimage related) problem of the file modified date being changed which should really be addressed at the source.

Think yourself lucky I am still able to  'give you a jab' now and again. If I didn't care, I wouldn't bother   Wink

Absolutely!  Why do you think I let you "get your digs in"?  If they really bothered me, I'd just delete them.   Grin

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2010, 05:42:02 PM »

Hi Mike,

Why do you think I let you "get your digs in"?  If they really bothered me, I'd just delete them

Most of my really deep  "digs", I delete before I send them. Grin

fwiw, I find the automatic file copying thing that the canon software does suits me, creates a folder for each day, and copies/names the images in shot order to that folder _but_ over the years I find I can't remember when a particular image was taken. I think I'm going to have to use tags or something, which is really going to be a drag adding them to thousands of existing images.  What is needed is some intelligent image recognition software, something that can examine an image and give a result along the lines of 'Aunty Jean wearing a red dress on holiday in Cyprus' or whatever.

Best wishes,


PS - the above example would be not too difficult, in principle - gps would give Cyprus, a well trained neural net could recognise Aunty Jean's face, and if it was red below her face, either a dress or bad sunburn...  Cheesy
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2010, 07:13:36 PM »

but_ over the years I find I can't remember when a particular image was taken. I think I'm going to have to use tags or something, which is really going to be a drag adding them to thousands of existing images.
I'm fortunate and realised the date was important, so from the beginning of my digital photography I used a date based folder names.  Cheesy
Rename Master software maybe of help to you, it's free:
It will pick up the original date of an unmodified jpeg from the exif and if that date has been copied across to any child copies it would work for those too. Otherwise you'd have to use the file modified date.
It will not read original date from raw files. It's a useful program to have in your collection.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2010, 01:46:00 PM »

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the link, I'll try it out. My files are in strict date/image number order,, but I'm going to have to write extra information re. image content, I expect

Best wishes,

Full Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2010, 02:30:07 PM »

Shouldn't matter unless you are doing something to the file to modify it because the date taken and the file modified date should be the same.

I've looked at this a bit more closely and I can confirm that QS (2010.209) renames based on date taken, whereas QU renames based on date modified. As you say it shouldn't matter as they are normally the same but, in my case, I have managed (somehow and no idea how) to get QU to alter the date modified field for a whole range of photos. As I need all photos to be renamed based on date taken, this means that I can't use QU to rename if the modified date should ever get divorced from the taken date. Just as well I didn't uninstall QS!
Full Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2010, 09:53:56 AM »

Rename Master software maybe of help to you, it's free:

Terry, what is a reasonable donation to make for this freeware?
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2010, 10:41:58 AM »

what is a reasonable donation to make for this freeware?
I haven't a clue  :-\
I never made any donation!
The only free software I've donated to is Pegasus Mail, which is a somewhat more significant program, and I donated £10 a year ago when development was in danger of stopping altogether.
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