Title: Rotated images Post by: JohnG50D on August 04, 2017, 01:27:22 PM I have rotated an image 45 degrees and it looks fine in the image editor with a large box all around with 4x white triangles, but in the preview page the top and bottom corners are cut off by the bounding box.
I have another query about the Page Background Color which I'll leave for later. Thanks, John Title: Re: Rotated images Post by: admin on August 04, 2017, 03:20:46 PM This can happen if you have crop on. With crop on, if you specify a size that is a different aspect ratio than the crop used when the image was rotated, it'll crop some of the image to give you the size you chose. The solution is to click on the print on the live view page and then on the "Prints" tab on the right, click the crop button (scissors icon) to disable cropping.
Regards, Mike |