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Author Topic: Saving a Q-Image File  (Read 5867 times)
Posts: 14

« on: November 27, 2019, 07:03:50 PM »


Older Fred, are you there to help me again?  Young Fred here.

I really am enjoying Q-Image and use it for all my photo work.  Here is my question.

Once I've edited and printed a photo, I want to save it to my picture folder in Windows 10 as a .JPG FILE.  I seem to have a problem doing this . . . is there something I'm missing in trying to do this?  What steps should I follow.  Also, I still haven't figured out the job log option . . . when I save a file, it does not show up in the log by the file name I gave it, only a date appears, again, am I missing a step?

Thanks Old Fred and Mike, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 07:28:17 PM by Grandphoto » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2019, 03:50:53 AM »

When you're done editing photos, add all the photos you want to save/convert to the live view (any print size).  Then right click in the live view and select "Convert Image(s)".  You can select JPG and an output folder if you like.  When you click OK, all images will be converted to JPG and saved.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2019, 11:14:27 AM »

Also, I still haven't figured out the job log option . . . when I save a file, it does not show up in the log by the file name I gave it, only a date appears, again, am I missing a step?

Thanks Old Fred and Mike, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


Hi youngster.

Mike took care of making a jpg from the live view screen for you.
The other question I have simplified for my old head.
I focus on two ways to save a job.
One is to save a JOB anytime I wish; maybe not complete yet; or completed. I want to name it in order to retrieve it at will.
With the images all set in the queue, Printed already or not, I click on the SAVE button; top left of the screen. second one in.
The yellow icon looks like a folder, is to retrieve the named Jobs.

The other way to save a JOB is AUTO JOB LOG.  This is created and saved in a LOG folder after you print.
You can retrieve it either way. I open Job Log from the 4th button top left.
It shows all the jobs I printed by date, with a thumbnail to show you what it was.
NOW, last item option.  If you do prefer the name you gave it to appear in Job LOG, simply open EDIT PREFERENCES, and change the  option of AUTO name to Manual.
That will give you the opportunity to name the job before you print it.
Now it will appear either way.
See snaps.
Good turkey day to all.
 OLD "F"

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2019, 07:52:55 AM »

Hi young Fred
Once I've edited and printed a photo, I want to save it to my picture folder in Windows 10 as a .JPG FILE.  I seem to have a problem doing this
I regularly do this to create a set of downsized images for my online Flickr account (click the round blue icon under my name to the left of this post). I use Create Email copies where I can set the resolution and crop to different aspect ratios using varying print sizes in the queue.
You can downsize using the Convert feature and putting a dot in the "Add Filter" and then set a resolution there.
I find this method best for web copies:-
Add the images to the queue and set the print size according to the crop required. If they've been cropped in the editor, then the size does not matter but the crop scissors must be off.
Right click on the page live view and select "Create E-mail/Web Size Copies". Set the resolution, and for general viewing by others or on the web, tick "convert to sRGB"
See attached screen shot.
The third method available in QU is to Print to File. I use this when I want to make an image for club competition projection and I want an image to have borders - which is a print feature.
Qimage Ultimate is so versatile  Cool
« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 08:01:47 AM by Terry-M » Logged
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