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Author Topic: Saving Print Settings (Except paper size)  (Read 6626 times)
Posts: 43

« on: March 19, 2018, 09:18:23 PM »

Is there a way to save print settings, but not paper size?  I ask because I have created 1 saved print settings for each of my various papers. The problem is that my jobs have varying layouts and paper sizes. Thus, when I select a saved print setting (to account for the particular paper I want to use), QImage also uses the saved paper size, even if it is different than the paper size for my job. As a result, all of my formatting, and page layout for the job is ruined.  Thanks in advance as I have about 10 papers that I work with and I wouldn't want to have to create multiple saved print settings (one for each paper size), for each paper that I work with.
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2018, 09:45:37 AM »

QImage also uses the saved paper size, even if it is different than the paper size for my job. As a result, all of my formatting, and page layout for the job is ruined.  Thanks in advance as I have about 10 papers that I work with and I wouldn't want to have to create multiple saved print settings (one for each paper size), for each paper that I work with.

I cannot think of a way that I could save everything for making a print but leave out the paper size.
I have been using all sorts of paper over the years, making my own profiles for off brand COSTCO, SAMS, paper, and never had a problem saving them. Name brand Epson Ultra premium Luster as 5 x 7, 8 x 10, A3, and 13 x 19. I only do that one time. Most of the time, there are only two sizes per paper type.
I have a friend who is professional commercial photographer. Large printer, with roll paper. He saves all sorts of print sizes and placements for two types of paper he uses.
Best I can offer.
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Posts: 4286

« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 02:30:47 PM »

Paper size is part of the printer driver properties so you can't really load those "piecemeal".  In some cases, the printable area even changes with paper type so in those cases, it won't be possible to have the same layout on certain papers even if the physical paper is the same size.  I think the solution is (as you said) to save multiple setups at different paper sizes.  And unless you are printing a job on one type of paper and intend to print the same job on another type of paper immediately after, just choose your paper type up front so it doesn't have to be changed mid-job.

With that said, there is a method for doing this.  Before loading your new printer setup, you could save the currently prepared job as a "Session": click "File", "Save", click the "S" button to save the session and name it something like "Hold".  Then you can load the new printer setup and if it's the wrong paper size, select the paper size you want and then load the saved session: "File", "Recall", "S" button for session, and select the "Hold" session that you saved.  That tells QU to load the session as it was saved without care for the printer settings.

Posts: 43

« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2018, 02:12:51 PM »

Hi. Very helpful. I will give it a shot.
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