Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Maarten van Goga on September 17, 2022, 10:11:46 AM

Title: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: Maarten van Goga on September 17, 2022, 10:11:46 AM
I own an Epson SC-P900. Beside the 'grey's', the printer has a photo- and a matt-black cartridge. To set a unclog-cycle I've to alter the media-settings in the printer driver. For photo-black to 'glossy/lustre media' & for matt-black to 'matt media'.
(Printing just on plain copy paper)

I don't know how to schedule this?

Regards, Martin
the Netherlands

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: Fred A on September 17, 2022, 11:38:56 AM
I own an Epson SC-P900. Beside the 'grey's', the printer has a photo- and a matt-black cartridge. To set a unclog-cycle I've to alter the media-settings in the printer driver. For photo-black to 'glossy/lustre media' & for matt-black to 'matt media'.
(Printing just on plain copy paper)

I don't know how to schedule this?

Regards, Martin
the Netherlands

Open the unclog screen and click the + button to add a printer to unclog.
Find your SC P900 and open properties button. Select Matte paper. and you can rename the save,
The new matte paper job will use MK black because it sees matte paper.
Need more. Just ask!

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: Maarten van Goga on September 18, 2022, 07:20:15 AM
For my clarity.
I have to create 2 'profiles' in the printer. On the main tab, 2 different media and save as "Epson (Mat) / Epson (Lustre)"?
And then plan each profile?

with regards,

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: Fred A on September 18, 2022, 09:07:00 AM
For my clarity.
I have to create 2 'profiles' in the printer. On the main tab, 2 different media and save as "Epson (Mat) / Epson (Lustre)"?
And then plan each profile?

Both jobs, Matte paper and glossy will be the same except for the Black ink selection. That is what you choose when you decide to run UNCLOG either selecting the one with the matte or the glossy.
See attached. That is what I currently have stored. (Of course the 900 printed is there to demonstrate what you should choose from. You can see I renamed the choices as Matte and Glossy. You can rename to PK or MK as inks. Whatever you want.

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: vdr on September 25, 2022, 12:49:00 AM
Fred, does there have to be (2) two different unclog printing and two different scheduling.  I am not familiar with this is partially why I am asking..  OR, is the OP asking how to schedule BOTH the Matte and the Photo (together) or at the same time.

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: Fred A on September 25, 2022, 06:44:29 AM
Fred, does there have to be (2) two different unclog printing and two different scheduling.  I am not familiar with this is partially why I am asking..  OR, is the OP asking how to schedule BOTH the Matte and the Photo (together) or at the same time.

Yes, Vern, two separate Unclog jobs.... BUT, if you don't want to waste ink by unclogging twice, simply uncheck all the colors except the BLACK and GRAY check. See attached.
So you can run one unclog full (all check marks), and change to the other black and run unclog with colors unchecked.
I hope I answered what you were asking.

Old Fred

Title: Re: Scheduling photo & matt black unclogging.
Post by: vdr on September 26, 2022, 07:58:13 PM
Thanks Fred.