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Author Topic: Scratch disk  (Read 8284 times)
Posts: 10

« on: January 22, 2013, 09:05:37 PM »


I'm trying to print 30-40 30x60cm book spreads. When I add them to queue it consumes my C:\ drive space and when it's not enough the printing is terminated.

Can you tell me how to choose different disk drive (other than my C:) for temp files so I don't have print 20 and then another 20?

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 09:29:29 PM »

I'm trying to print 30-40 30x60cm book spreads. When I add them to queue it consumes my C:\ drive space and when it's not enough the printing is terminated.

Please give more information.
What error message or symptom do you get when you add the image to the queue?
What Operating system? How much memory, or hard drive free space.?
What Printer?

If you hold the Shift Key down, and click HELP and ANALYZE, what numbers appear?
See screen snap

Posts: 10

« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 06:51:09 AM »

I have about 14GB of free space on drive C: The spreads are 610x310mm, each file is 4-5MB.
I have 16GB of RAM in total. Printer is ipf 6350. Windows 7.

When I add 40 spreads and qimage processes them I can see a dramatic loose of free disk space.  Qimage reports it as 221MB each in the queue list.
The printer starts to print meanwhile and when the drive is empty, Qimage gives error about disk space and the printing stops midspread Sad

I know i needs temp space but I just don't want it to do it on C: - Can I assign other drive for it?

Here is my screenshot : http://www.marcinbittner.com/luzem/qimage.jpg
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 10:06:25 AM »

The spreads are 610x310mm, each file is 4-5MB.
I have 16GB of RAM in total. Printer is ipf 6350. Windows 7.

Thank you very much for the information.
I am somewhat confused as I try to re-create your set up.
In your screen snap, you show a printable area of 603.9 mm x 258.9.
You describe your spreads as 610 x 310 mm.
Obviously, 610 x 310 will not fit into a space of 603.9 x 258.9
So something is not matching up with the information.

Also in Printers and devices, check your settings, unchecking ENABLE ENHANCED, and experimenting perhaps with Start Printing immediatel, and / or print directly to printer, and see if that cures it.
Set Processor to RAW as shown in snap.

Other than that, perhaps, moving some image folders or other space consuming data to another drive, thereby freeing up more space on C:

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 10:55:36 AM »

I have about 14GB of free space on drive C:
That is extremely small! has your PC got a SSD C-drive of limited capacity; they are usually quite small compared to a modern conventional hard drive? It would be normal practice I believe to have only the OS & programs on the SSD and all data on a separate hard drive.
Whatever, it seems you need  more HD space. You could get another internal HDD installed or use an external drive, preferably USB 3, which is very fast - if you have that available. You can always have a USB 3 card fitted.
One other point, you seem to have created you page layouts and made a single image for each page in another application.
Why not make the layout in QU, that's what it does! You can save layouts as sessions or a set as a job. I think I would be right in saying that it would be a more efficient way of printing the pages too wrt resources.
Sr. Member
Posts: 265

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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2013, 08:24:54 AM »


You change the location in Windows System Properties - this is copied from Microsoft Help:

To change the location of the System Temp folder, follow the steps given below.


1.       Right click on Computer and click on Properties. In the resulting window with the basic information about your computer

2.       Click on Advanced system settings on the left panel resulting in a dialog box click on the Advanced tab a

3.       Click on the button near the bottom labelled Environment Variables.

4.       You may see both TMP and TEMP listed in the section labeled User variables for (account). That's the common location; each different login account is assigned its own temporary location.

5.       In the Variable value Edit box you may specify the path to the directory that Windows and many other programs will use for temporary files.


Be sure and repeat that process for both TMP and TEMP.

You'll need to restart any running programs for the new value to take effect. In fact, you'll need to restart Windows for it to begin using the new value for its own temporary files.


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