Mike Chaney's Tech Corner
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Author Topic: Screen configuration  (Read 8990 times)
Posts: 16

« on: March 11, 2012, 12:50:43 PM »

Very pleased with the latest iteration of Qimage and it's clever little touches. Having arrived, several years ago now, via  Rawshooter, (of blessed memory), and clunky old PS, (you could grow old waiting for it to execute a command), it's still a delight to use.

Two small points. (1). When underlining print in 'floating type' for titles or comments, the line will sometimes shoot across the whole width of the page and it's a sod to get rid of as it seems to get lost in the floating print box. I always type in the titles starting at the top L corner of the box but on returning to the box after activating them they seem to have moved and can be quite tricky to find. This used to happen on the previous edition of Q and on a different PC so it doesn't seem to be PC related.

(2). No criticism here but there is a considerable amount of empty space on the right side of the screen below the ops panel. Could it not be usefully used by enlarging the tiny icons, ( hor., vert., etc.) and making them a bit easier to use? In fact all the bottom right controls could do with being a bit less cramped. The space is there so it might as well be used.

But overall a great programme and getting better.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4260

« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 01:55:18 PM »

(1) On the underlining, if you meant it does that on the printed page, that definitely sounds like a printer driver issue.  The underlining is just an attribute of the text so Qimage doesn't print the line: your driver does.  What kind of printer is it?  My guess is it's an HP <hiding>.  Smiley  Only advice here is to maybe uninstall and reinstall the driver and be sure you are running the latest version built specifically for the version of Windows you are running.  Now... if you meant that the line does that only on the screen, then that's a video driver issue.  Not sure which you meant.

(2) There's actually no space at all there.  Drag your Qimage window to the smallest size possible.  That minimum size (800x600) shows you how much room is really available because the window has to conform to any screen size from 800x600 up.  And I don't want to spread the icons and tools out only on the larger views: they must be consistent regardless of screen size.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 01:57:40 PM by Mike Chaney » Logged
Posts: 16

« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2012, 04:11:40 PM »

Thanks for the response Mike. I may have discovered my mistake. I had a good read through the help and after following the instructions got rid of the problem. I do find though that one has to watch carefully just where the cursor is sometimes hiding in the  print box and it's very easy to duplicate floating text if you do a wrong click.
On the bright side I found that I could wrap text around all four sides of a print which gives a very nice effect. All I need to do now is discover how to get one of the two borders outside the printing!
Printer by the way is a Canon Pro 9000. Been very pleased with it.

Thanks again Mike.

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