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Author Topic: Need Help  (Read 29591 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2011, 08:03:58 PM »

When I adjust the image size in photoshop (I know thats not the actual fact of whats happening) it also changes the size of the file itself.  If I do all my scaling in photoshop, write down what print size equates to the scale I need, and save the original un-enlarged version, this results in a smaller file size.  It seems like I can then take that smaller sized file and use QI to handle my enlarging.  This seems like it would avoid the issues I was causing myself earlier.  Is this an accurate understanding?

I'm not sure if I follow the workflow you describe, but it sounds like you are going to have multiple interpolations.
After the stitching process, you do end up with a file? Right?
I don't know the file size, but if you can open that in Qimage, then set your print size, like 40" x 72", and let Qimage Ultimate interpolate one time to get the 360 ppi native input for the 9900.

If you want to sharpen or make lighter, darker, more/less contrast/saturation, etc you can do all that before printing which is saved as a filter in Qimage.
... and yes, 200 ppi is plenty for your prints.


Jr. Member
Posts: 72

« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2011, 07:08:42 PM »

Hi Fred.  Thanks for the info.  I think we are saying the same thing but you're saying it better.  I guess my goal is to have one basic copy of an image just like any other photographer, and from that image be able to enlarge it to whatever dimension I need.  In my case what one client may want as 17" x 72", another client may want as 36" by 400", or wherever the math works out.

I had previously believed that in order to do that I would have to save multiple versions of the same picture at each size increment required.  This uses memory on my computer and using Photoshop at least saving a file at 36" x 400" makes for a huge file.  But if I can simply take that same file and use QI to set the print size to whatever I need it saves some of the frustration I have been causing myself. 

Oh, yes I do get a file.  I generally just save it as an IBM TIFF if I intend to use QI for the print job.  JPEG would be nice but Mike mentioned that over a certain file size JPEG does not work.  Although from what you said previous the type of TIFF no longer matters so that's easier.
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