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Author Topic: Sharpening settings and some random thoughts  (Read 11631 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 61

« on: August 19, 2010, 03:00:15 PM »

Terry, Fred, et al,

When you are using tts what are your starting values for the radius and strength. I have usually used High Pass in Capture NX2 to make the picture look good at about 70% of full size (1:1). Then I would let Qimage take care of the print sharpening at default settings. I really like the way the prints turn out. I think tts is really neat I'm just not sure how to go about using it in my work flow.

Which is:

Import pics into View NX and cull bad ones. View NX reads my camera setting and does the raw conversion. I can change WB, brightness, contrast, crop, straigten in this.

If anything like filters, curves, fancy stuff is needed I open raw in NX2. I generally do the High Pass to sharpen to taste.
Save as tiff or jpg

Print in Qimage using its sharpening and page layout and interpolation to handle resizing.

I have tried Qimage raw and it works ok some of the time but in NX2 I can do selective curves, any lighting settings, D-lighting, HSL settings and much more on only selective parts of the picture without having to mess with layer masks and layers. I can also save in different versions which is nice.

I'm not trying to sell NX2 and I think Qimage is probably (no - for sure) the best value piece of software I own. You really want to show your stuff in the print and nothing I have seen does that better than Qimage.

Sorry for going on. I don't like long posts usually but, I am trying to incorporate Qimage more into my workflow. I am not real fond of sidecar files because I do move my stuff around some and like to keep everything together.

Thanks for all the sharing of ideas you guys do. That is another real reason for staying with Qimage as much as possible.


Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 04:34:29 PM »

It is difficult to tell someone what values to use as each image is unique.
Nevertheless there is a basic answer to your question: Don't be afraid of 3/350 or numbers around that size.
You will have to lessen or increase as if you were adding salt to the soup! :-)

If anything like filters, curves, fancy stuff is needed I open raw in NX2. I generally do the High Pass to sharpen to taste.
Save as tiff or jpg

You should give Qimage's tools a try. The Curves and Levels, mid tone sliders, FILL light, etc. are worthy of a try. Those are in the Image Editor.
The REFINE screen has been improved with a Warm to Cool white balance slider along with the easy exposure adjustment.
It will save you making a TIF or any secondary image to print. You print from the raw.

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