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Author Topic: So - how much money should I send to Mike?  (Read 8902 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« on: September 15, 2012, 09:40:09 PM »

I have touched on this theme before - but it surfaces in my mind every time I think about the money I spend - or in this case am about to spend - on my avocation.  I am about to get a new camera to replace - or augment my D200. Main aggravation has been noise levels at anything above ISO 200.  New D600 is a real possibility - but I'll wait for the tests - certainly don't need a D800.  But, whatever I do - will cost - and if I go FX - well, about half of my lenses are DX so will need to get at least one or maybe two new pieces of glass.  Will also need compatible flash, cords, etc. And the larger raw files and jpegs will almost certainly mean upgraded storage - likely even a new computer to replace my circa 2005 desktop. And I just replaced my printer - my Epson 2200 died with its boots on - so  I went to an Epson 3000 with its larger capacity- but more expensive inks.  So, we are talking real money here. 

Did I mention that the pulse that makes this whole thing work is a piece of software that I got from a guy named Mike Chaney for $90?   Its the one piece of equipment I certainly wont need to change!
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 09:01:56 AM »

Did I mention that the pulse that makes this whole thing work is a piece of software that I got from a guy named Mike Chaney for $90?   Its the one piece of equipment I certainly wont need to change!

This is what I have been trying to explain for years, and you did it better than I in just one post!
I know most often I sound like an ogre about so much Photo Shop, but that's a great software that I would only need to correct stuff like removing a fire hydrant, adding a bra size or two to gal, or adding fake lightning to a sky. *Because I have Qimage Ultimate*
Qimage does everything else as well or better for 90 dollars...   not 90 dollars a year, but 90 dollars.

Good story Mel, and I go shooting with a friend that has a D800 for about 2 months.   If you want to talk to him or email and pick his brain, just let me know.

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 02:19:30 PM »

I should add that two weeks ago, I re-upped for another year with of new Qimage improvements, functions and features. I also replaced the matte black ink cartridge in my printer.  The single ink cartridge was the more costly of the two expenses - costing 50% more than a whole year's worth of QU updates. (and I guarantee that new cartridge wont last a year)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 02:29:31 PM »

I should add that two weeks ago, I re-upped for another year with of new Qimage improvements, functions and features. I also replaced the matte black ink cartridge in my printer.  The single ink cartridge was the more costly of the two expenses - costing 50% more than a whole year's worth of QU updates. (and I guarantee that new cartridge wont last a year)

What an excellent point!
Owen Glendower
Full Member
Posts: 185

« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2012, 01:00:19 PM »

Mel, your viewpoint of Qimage and its benefits is exactly like mine.

And speaking of benefits...can you believe that these forums are free?
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