Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: nbagno on March 05, 2016, 04:03:54 PM

Title: Something Changed? Edit in QI from Lightrrom
Post by: nbagno on March 05, 2016, 04:03:54 PM
I don't recall this behavior in past versions of QI, but it could just me something I changed. ??? I have as long as I can remember selected the option in Lightroom to edit in OI when I am ready to print. So in Lightroom you right click on an image and select from several options. One option is to export to a folder and within this option was another sub-option to open QI after export. A second preferred option for me was to right click my image i Lightroom and select "edit in QI" which is something you can add to the right click menu in Lightroom.

What is happening now (and I believe for a number of past versions of QI) is when I select "edit in QI" the image is correctly sent to LR however instead of just the selected image showing up in QI, the whole folder that contained the image is loaded into QI. A folder can contain many high megabyte drum scan images that take a substantial about of time for QI to load. In addition, the image I want to print in QI is not highlighted in any way, so if I have several different edits of the same image I have to figure sort through them and make sure I am printing the correct image which is a waist of time.

Has something changed, or is there a QI preference setting I need to change?

Title: Re: Something Changed? Edit in QI from Lightrrom
Post by: admin on March 05, 2016, 04:42:41 PM
You can use "Edit", "Preferences", "When Images are Dropped into Qimage Ultimate", and select "Add to Queue" if you want them added to the queue automatically.


Title: Re: Something Changed? Edit in QI from Lightrrom
Post by: nbagno on March 05, 2016, 04:46:18 PM
Perfect, that was it. I knew I wasn't crazy.

You can use "Edit", "Preferences", "When Images are Dropped into Qimage Ultimate", and select "Add to Queue" if you want them added to the queue automatically.
