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Author Topic: Specialty Printer Setup  (Read 6666 times)
Full Member
Posts: 107

« on: June 04, 2015, 05:39:12 PM »

I have three Epson R800 printers.  One of these normally prints slightly lighter than the other two printers --(for the entire image).

I am in process of printing many of my images for Photo Albums with some having one 8x10 on a page, others with two 5x7, and the remaining having 9 per page.  All are printed using 8 1/2 x 11 Photo paper.

I need to be able to include a - (Brightness minus factor of approximately -5) for brightness for ALL image file added to the Queue when recalling and using ANY of 3 Printer Setup files -- without having to select images in the Queue and entering the -5 Brightness setting.

Hopefully, there is a way to include this setting in the Printer Setup "saved" file for selection and usage.

I am aware of selecting one image, entering the -5, and apply to ALL images in the Queue, however; this also adds the setting to the image files and would require re-setting the files back to normal to NOT have the assignment.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2015, 05:58:54 PM »

I have three Epson R800 printers.  One of these normally prints slightly lighter than the other two printers --(for the entire image).

I am in process of printing many of my images for Photo Albums with some having one 8x10 on a page, others with two 5x7, and the remaining having 9 per page.  All are printed using 8 1/2 x 11 Photo paper.

I need to be able to include a - (Brightness minus factor of approximately -5) for brightness for ALL image file added to the Queue when recalling and using ANY of 3 Printer Setup files -- without having to select images in the Queue and entering the -5 Brightness setting.

Hopefully, there is a way to include this setting in the Printer Setup "saved" file for selection and usage.

I am aware of selecting one image, entering the -5, and apply to ALL images in the Queue, however; this also adds the setting to the image files and would require re-setting the files back to normal to NOT have the assignment.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Hi Vernon,
Yes, Easy Peasy as Terry would say.

Using your example of -5 brightness, just open any image in the Image Editor.
Set the Brightness to -5 and anything else you need.
Click FILE, Save Parameters to a file.
Name the file. I named it MINUS FIVE

Now clear the queue and do not save the minus 5 setting to the image.

Place a checkmark on the main screen in the box labelled P flt
Select the minus 5 filter you created.
as long as the check is in the box, all the prints will have -5 brightness applied.

Sr. Member
Posts: 265

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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 07:29:43 AM »


In addition to Fred's advice, if you save the printer setup with the P. Filter added, it will be retained when you recall the setup for that printer.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2015, 03:42:52 AM »

Both -- Fred and Bryan,

I got busy with the Lawn Mower (tall grass after all the rain) all day and just now getting to check the Forum.  I appreciate your help and feed back.

Fred, I partially created what you described before posting but obviously I missed (or left out) a part that was needed since what I created didn't work properly.

Late for this old man (Bed Time) so will wait until tomorrow to setup and use.

Many thanks again,

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2015, 07:03:37 PM »

Thanks again to both. 
This provided a solution for what I needed.  I had never used this feature of Qimage Pro even though I have been a user of Qimage for around 12 years.  There are also probably other features that I have not used.

The only issue I encountered was after entering the settings, and Click FILE, Save Parameters to a file -- I could not enter a file name in the provided area.  I have no idea as to why since I tried several times as well as re-started Qimage, etc; but this persisted and would not allow entering the "save to" file name.

However, I did a "work around" by going to the folder with the several files of this type, Copied one of them then renamed to the desired file name for this function.  Then, I went through the parameter entry and clicked on the renamed (desired) file name and saved plus over wrote this file. 

Then, as also suggested, I also created a "Save As" file which included the number of images to be printed on each page as well as including the setting with the Pfilter selection.

Qimage is an amazingly versatile software.

My Regards,
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