And, to follow Fred's guidance, I run Acronis each morning around 04.30.
And when does that poor machine sleep?
Tony, I just wonder if you habitually leave the machine on 24 hours a day.
I know many people that subscribe to that modus operandus. They have read that more wear and tear comes from starting a hard drive than leaving it running at idle.
I do not subscribe to that theory.
My experience over many years of fiddling with these things is that a COLD BOOT is imperative from time to time.
I have fixed many a "slow" problem, a "lagging" problem, sometimes, CPU usage and HD usage that are slowing the machine.
I have had weird situations where only a cold boot, including an AC power off to the machine (pull the plug) for a minute was the only thing that cured the problem. (Something stuck in the memory or even a tough print spooler log jam)
I am not saying I am hard wired right. I am saying that my experience has taken me this route, and I believe in it.
I might be wrong!!
Probably am wrong, but I have seen it with my own eyes.