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Author Topic: Strange events during changing images queue  (Read 4895 times)
Posts: 36

« on: June 07, 2018, 02:08:39 PM »


I'ld like to tell about strange behavior :

 1. of changing images queue,
 2. of floating text

1.About - changing images queue:
   - it's impossible to send  (move in queue) any image: to top, to bottom, And just send it forward.
     It's only possible - to 'send back' (keyboard shortcut - DOWN)

2. ABout floating text:
   - Often when I 'send back' any image - in the same time changes the position and sometimes - orientation and font size
      of the floating text. It's always happens on the images, which are 'later' in queue' (in other words - after moved image)

Also, I'ld like to ask - when the floating text is dragging with left mouse button pressed -
 must it moves with t-cross symbol too ?
 Because this happens very rarely - in most cases during dragging - only floating text anchor symbol moves.
Please, check these events

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2018, 04:29:57 PM »

it's impossible to send  (move in queue) any image: to top, to bottom, And just send it forward.
     It's only possible - to 'send back' (keyboard shortcut - DOWN)
I cannot see a problem: UP arrow in Bring Forward, meaning down the queue. DOWN arrow is Send Back, up the queue.
If you right click on an image in the queue you can see the options, see attached screen shot.
Often when I 'send back' any image - in the same time changes the position and sometimes - orientation and font size
      of the floating text. It's always happens on the images, which are 'later' in queue' (in other words - after moved image)
The will only move if it's linked to an image. Not sure why orientation or font should change, I cannot reproduce it here. I would advise that you sort out your queue before adding floating text.
I'ld like to ask - when the floating text is dragging with left mouse button pressed -
 must it moves with t-cross symbol too ?
 Because this happens very rarely - in most cases during dragging - only floating text anchor symbol moves.
Yes they move together, no problems here. It can be tricky if you are working close to the edge of a page.
Posts: 36

« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2018, 11:58:38 AM »


thanks for answer.

The will only move if it's linked to an image. Not sure why orientation or font should change, I cannot reproduce it here. I would advise that you sort out your queue before adding floating text.
Please, explain - what you mean saying:
1. 'linked to an image'. I suppose when you place floating text to image - it becomes linked. Isn't it so ?
2. 'sort out your queue  before adding floating text'. What kind of an operation your mean precisely ?

Not sure why orientation or font should change
Please create a PrintQueue for, say, 20 images. Place on each image 2 different floating texts. Then select a penultimate image and press DOWN key about 6-8 times one by one.
And after it, please open Edit Page and check on the images that are placed AFTER moved one - in this case you'll see (I do hope) - how the position of floating text have changed

Yes they move together, no problems here.
Excuse me, but here it doesn't move together, alas (maybe 1 time from 50). Is there any suggestions or advices for this situation ?
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2018, 04:23:34 PM »

Hi again,
1. 'linked to an image'. I suppose when you place floating text to image - it becomes linked. Isn't it so ?
No, not unless the image is selected and the "Link to image" tick box is ticked in the Floating text dialogue. Or select an image, right click and choose Floating Text, that link it too.
2. 'sort out your queue  before adding floating text'. What kind of an operation your mean precisely ?
Do your re-ordering, move back or forward is what I mean.
Please create a PrintQueue for, say, 20 images. Place on each image 2 different floating texts. Then select a penultimate image and press DOWN key about 6-8 times one by one.
And after it, please open Edit Page and check on the images that are placed AFTER moved one - in this case you'll see (I do hope) - how the position of floating text have changed
It does not change if it's linked to the image.
Posts: 36

« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2018, 12:26:52 PM »


It does not change if it's linked to the image.

Neverttheless, in my situation it looks another. After I create a Print Queue - I make, for example, - 2 floating texts on the first image,
 and link both of them to current image.
After it - in FLoating Text Properties I choose - Link to_All prints in the Queue. After it, these 2 floating texts applied to all images.
And AFTER these operations 2 things happens:
1. all floating texts on ther than 1st image - are 'linked' in FLoating Text Properties.
    But floating text dragged with left mouse button pressed - DOESN't moves with t-cross symbol
2.  after re-ordering Print Queue by moving certain images - the position of floating text in the images that are placed AFTER - changes.

I'ld like to bring to you my thought - these 2 events described higher - happens after - "Link to_All prints in the Queue" operation is fulfilled.
May it's the reason why ?
May during copying floating text  - breaks a linkage of floating text ?

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