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Author Topic: Template Centred and printing image titles  (Read 7960 times)
Posts: 32

« on: December 17, 2020, 01:03:32 AM »

Hi Guys

Really loving the new QIU version. Some terrific new features in there.

I have a question concerning the use of Template Centred setting when combined with the printing of image titles on the page. I am using templates to create my required print sizes on a roll and these templates include some white borders. I print with crop lines so final prints are trimmed off afterwards. As my production is growing I would like to be able to print the file name just outside the crop lines so that orders can be sent to printer and then sorted afterwards for delivery. QIU seems to place the file name just inside the crop lines (on the finished print area) whenever the aspect ratio of the artwork forces uneven borders. I would like to continue using templates as they work great for me but wondering if there is a way to print the filename outside the crop lines in all circumstances? Maybe I missed a setting?

Any help would be great here, but if this is not possible at the moment I'l like to add it as a feature request for the future Wink

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 10:16:17 AM »

I would like to continue using templates as they work great for me but wondering if there is a way to print the filename outside the crop lines in all circumstances? Maybe I missed a setting?

Hi John,
I am trying to reproduce the example you gave, and I think I am close, but not sure of the meaning; Inside crop lines and Outside crop lines because that seems to be easy to do.
Please see screen snap showing crop lines and filename and path centered under the print and border. Is this what you want?
Also see settings snap.
What did I get wrong?
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 01:40:09 PM »

Could you post a screen shot showing what you are referring to?  I tried it with template/centered and I got what Fred shows in his middle screen shot.  Note that on the screen shot, the text from the image info may look a little cut off by the template/crop marks but that is only due to rounding error when trying to display such a small font on screen: if you print that, the text is contained within the crop lines.

Posts: 32

« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2020, 10:43:23 PM »

Hi Mike

Sorry for delayed reply. We closed for holidays and I did not receive any post notifications. I will do this tomorrow when I have access to my workstation and send a sceenshot then.

Appreciate the help

Happy Christmas!
Posts: 32

« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2020, 10:55:42 PM »

I would like to continue using templates as they work great for me but wondering if there is a way to print the filename outside the crop lines in all circumstances? Maybe I missed a setting?

Hi John,
I am trying to reproduce the example you gave, and I think I am close, but not sure of the meaning; Inside crop lines and Outside crop lines because that seems to be easy to do.
Please see screen snap showing crop lines and filename and path centered under the print and border. Is this what you want?
Also see settings snap.
What did I get wrong?

Hi Fred

Your example with red crop lines illustrates the issue I have. QUI is placing the file name inside the red lines. We sell prints based on the paper size which must be exact (in other words we crop to the red line). For example I might sell an A3 print and the customer sends me a square image. I need to crop the final page at exactly A3 (where the red crop line indicates) and have the printed image appear centred within this space. I need the file name placed outside the A3 crop lines. Not on the page area since this is part of the final customer page. Hope that makes sense.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2020, 11:47:42 AM »

Your example with red crop lines illustrates the issue I have. QUI is placing the file name inside the red lines. We sell prints based on the paper size which must be exact (in other words we crop to the red line). For example I might sell an A3 print and the customer sends me a square image. I need to crop the final page at exactly A3 (where the red crop line indicates) and have the printed image appear centred within this space. I need the file name placed outside the A3 crop lines. Not on the page area since this is part of the final customer page. Hope that makes sense.


Frankly, what I gleaned from the above is that "YOU CROP TO THE RED LINE" "YOU WANT THE TEXT OUTSIDE THE CROP LINES"
This means to me that the text is for you to see and use until the images are properly trimmed and cropped and the customer does not see the text?Huh?   Do I have this correct?
Added screen snap . Text is now outside the crop marks
« Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 12:06:42 PM by Fred A » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2020, 01:46:57 PM »

Fred illustrates one way to do it (with floating text), but obviously template placement doesn't lend itself to that if you have a second row: because if it's outside the bottom of the top template, it'll be inside the top of the one below it.  It would help to know the end goal.  Do you just need to know which print goes with which file as you are cutting them so you can sort them to (for example) different people or purposes?

There are several ways to do this but I wanted to point out one thing that might make it easy.  If you are using template placement and you activate the print info, the template sizes are automatically expanded to accommodate the text which means the text itself is already outside the size you specified.  So if you specify A3 with print info, the templates size will be A3 plus whatever is needed for the text.  This means that if you simply cut all the sheets by the crop lines and then cut off the text on each sheet, you'll have perfect A3 pages.  In the example where I'm doing this for a bunch of different customers, I'd cut all the sheets by the crop lines and now I have an added "banner" with the text below each sheet.  As I pack them for mailing, I'd make one final trim and cut off the text at the bottom, thereby ending up with an A3 sheet, and pack it to send.  If I wanted to get fancy, I could even paste that small strip on the back of the print for reference.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2020, 01:51:48 PM »

Fred illustrates one way to do it (with floating text)
Actually, I used Annotated text. Placement is centered by adding spaces before the actual text.
Posts: 32

« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2021, 09:47:26 PM »

Frankly, what I gleaned from the above is that "YOU CROP TO THE RED LINE" "YOU WANT THE TEXT OUTSIDE THE CROP LINES"
This means to me that the text is for you to see and use until the images are properly trimmed and cropped and the customer does not see the text?Huh?   Do I have this correct?
Added screen snap . Text is now outside the crop marks

Yes Fred. That is exactly what I meant. Can this be done?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2021, 09:50:59 PM »

That is exactly what I meant. Can this be done?
See screen snaps above.  This has been done.
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