I have some framing glass that has a bit of color to it.
Reading the print's RGB with a ColorMunki Photo I read these numbers on the print's surface: (RGB)= 231, 196, 173.
With the same print under the glass I read these numbers: (RGB)= 226, 195, 177.
So I take it the print would have a bit of cyan and blue added to it under glass?
So can I apply some general correction as a permanent "Glass Correction Filter" in QU for any prints that I want to put under glass to neutralize the "under the glass numbers" back to the print's RGB numbers "without the glass?"
What paper?
Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst
http://www.pigment-print.com/spectralplots/spectrumviz_1.htmDecember 2012, 500+ inkjet media white spectral plots.
Epson Luster.
Would it matter though if all I am trying to do is match the current print to the "under glass" one?
Might be able to do it with the Adjust > Saturation (Uncheck the Lock colors too) somehow as Terry suggests, but the QU numbers (-100 to +100) don't follow the RGB ones (0-255) so it could take some time to match. Maybe interpolate QU -100 to be RGB=0 and QU +100 to equal RGB=255? Does seem a bit odd the difference using 'negative' red numbers other than starting at zero.

In the numbers above (1st post), the green value is only one point different so there might not be a big density shift overall, just the red and the blue seem to be targeted for a change (i.e. Print needs to be warmed up a bit (red + yellow) for "under glass.").