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Author Topic: Testing Qimage Ult re Qimage Studio. Help  (Read 6834 times)
Posts: 5

« on: November 08, 2010, 11:00:21 AM »

I have used Qimage Studio since it first came out,I print with an Epson 9900 and find the program fantastic.Last week I printed a 60" by 40" canvas for one of the pro photogrphers I print for. I hve been testing Qimage Ult. is there a way that I can display the Print Queue and the Job Properties at all times as in Qimage Studio. In my work flow I have Job Logging to "ALL" and Job File Naming to "Manual (prompt)" and Clear Queue Automatically to "After Finishing Printing". I use this info to check each prints speck ie paper,profile used,size etc. In Qimage Studio I can do all this but in Qi Ult with my above settings I cannot.Help please.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 11:44:32 AM »

I have used Qimage Studio since it first came out,I print with an Epson 9900 and find the program fantastic.Last week I printed a 60" by 40" canvas for one of the pro photogrphers I print for. I hve been testing Qimage Ult. is there a way that I can display the Print Queue and the Job Properties at all times as in Qimage Studio. In my work flow I have Job Logging to "ALL" and Job File Naming to "Manual (prompt)" and Clear Queue Automatically to "After Finishing Printing". I use this info to check each prints speck ie paper,profile used,size etc. In Qimage Studio I can do all this but in Qi Ult with my above settings I cannot.Help please.

Not sure what wont work for you in Ultimate.
I have Job Logging on ALL. Job File Naming set to Manual. I am set to clear Queue when printing is finished.
If you want to check the size of the print, and the ppi before it prints, without switching tabs from Job properties to queue, simply move the mouse pointer over the image in the preview panel upper right of screen. It gives that to you instantly.

The Job properties is already showing the paper profile and resolution as it always did. Same exactly as Studio.
If you need to see the filename, file size, ISO, focal length, aperture, shutter speed, and resolution, again, simply hover the pointer over either the big image or the thumbnail. It's all there.
Look at the hotbar at the lowest part of the screen.
That might be turned off. Check Edit, Preferences, and HOTBAR. Make sure it is on.


You have the best of both.
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 01:59:55 PM »

Thank you for your prompt reply Fred.
Yes but (1) only Job Properties or Print Queue are displayed at a time , I prefer that I can see both all the time as in Studio.
           (2)When the "Job logging :save job" window comes up, I want to again check Print Queue for size(price to cliant)and the Jop Properties and then you cannot hover over the print for size etc.(due to "Job logging" window being open)
I will find it quicker not to togal between the two windows.Any solutions?
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 02:41:25 PM »

Ultimate is more "visual-centric" and less "queue-centric".  There's really little reason to ever open the queue unless it is for some diagnostic purpose like wanting to see file names.  I'm trying to understand why you are doing things the way you are doing them so please bear with me. 

Sometimes you just have to modify your workflow a bit to get a better match for a different UI.  So, when saving the job, what is it that you must see from the job properties in order to save a job?  Also, you just printed... you don't know what size is in the queue?  What did you do when you printed various sizes in one job?  When that dialog pops up in Studio, you can't scroll the queue anyway so you'll only be able to see the few lines that are listed.  And, you're changing the job properties enough that you name your saved jobs by those properties?

Also, note that if you save printer setups with the print size listed in the file name, that file name shows on the Job Properties tab.  Example: you are printing 8x10 prints on 24 inch roll paper to your 9900 so you set up everything in Qimage and then you save that as a printer setup, naming the file "9900-24roll-8x10".  Now when you want to print using that setup, recall that file, and now your job properties tab says "9900-24roll-8x10" so you can see both the job properties and the print size associated with that setup.

Just trying to understand.

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