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Author Topic: Printable Area and Centering  (Read 23370 times)
Posts: 38

« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2012, 08:00:21 PM »

Sorry to interrupt. Stan, what Media Type you have selected in the Epson Driver?
Stan Prevost
Posts: 14

« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2012, 09:12:46 PM »

I believe at the time that I had Epson Premium Semigloss 250 or 260.  I was working on the issue prior to selection of an image to print, just selecting page size and learning more about margins and printable area.  Haven't had time in the last few days to spend on it, but I did get a couple of proper prints made. 

Does media type affect printable area?

Posts: 38

« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2012, 05:49:34 PM »

Basically no, but sometimes yes. In my 3800 if you choose Ultrasmooth Fine Art Paper, you will presented a new (old) choice 'Printable Area'. The choices are Standard/Centered/Maximum. The default is Standard which gives you different left and right margins/borders.

(Old: if I remember correctly, this choice was present in all Epson drivers some 5 years ago).

I dont know why Ultrasmooth Fine Art Paper has this choice. And I dont know if the above is true for other Epson drivers than 3800.

You also may want to read the following article, Figures 15,16,17:

In the past I have struggled with margins and borders (for me they are the same, but Qimage has separate meaning for them.)
If interested look at threads in the Qimage area (Unequal borders/ Different borders). I still dont understand why Qimage does not include the Epson hardware borders when defing the Qimage margins. Now I think I can manage the margins/borders, but I have to calculate the print locations parameters in Qimage myself.

In the same area there is also a thread called "Centering 7900 sheet prints".

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2012, 08:38:38 PM »

In the past I have struggled with margins and borders (for me they are the same, but Qimage has separate meaning for them.)
It's not really that difficult, margins apply to the page and borders to the image print. You could not use the same name for different features.
MS in their Office programs use "margin" for pages and "border" for pictures so QU follows the normal convention.
I still don't understand why Qimage does not include the Epson hardware borders when defining the Qimage margins
It sounds as though you are assuming that everyone prints one image per page, which is not so of course. One of the key features of QU that of easily arranging multiple image, of different sizes on a page. You can see what the margins are and increase them etc. in the Page Margins dialogue. They are not "Qimage" margins but those obtained from the driver.
Posts: 38

« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2012, 08:33:23 AM »

It sounds as though you are assuming that everyone prints one image per page
On the contrary. I have never had a problem with one image but printing several prints per pages creates the problem with the borders/margins. Here is the old thread. The problem is described in the image of the first post.

As said, now I can handle this. Mike's answer in post #3 tells how. I have used this solution since and it works ok. The only nuisance is that everytime I have to calculate the left/right/top -positions. The more images you have in the page, the more you have to fiddle with the positions. So I created an excel sheet to help the calculations. I still think that could easily be included in Qimage.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2012, 09:20:31 AM »

Hi /fox
Here is the old thread. The problem is described in the image of the first post.
Ah yes, I remember that one now.
As a matter of interest, I have a Desk Top Publishing program that is reasonably sophisticated and that does not do unequal  borders either. There are pre-set graphical borders, some of which are asymmetrical but what they call "lines" (= QU border) around objects have to be equal.
To make asymmetrical borders you have to place & position a separate larger rectangle behind the object (eg. image). The same technique can be used in QU although probably not relevant to your card layout.
The point of comparing to a DTP program, which you may expect have more flexibility wrt borders, is to show QU is no worse and in some aspects is better.
So I created an excel sheet to help the calculations
I've done the same to calculate the dimensions of mounts (= mattes), it's a similar calculation.
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