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Author Topic: Thinking about renewing QU support but....  (Read 4256 times)
Posts: 2

« on: January 21, 2016, 04:31:12 AM »

I recently received an email for the special offer on Qimage Ultimate annual renewal.  Great offer! 
But how about a counter proposal for Mike?  I will gladly renew my annual support in return for a teeny tiny feature request Grin

I have been using Qimage in its various incarnations for over 10 years and always been happy with it. Most of the time.
I sometimes like to use the print info check box and print the filename below the print.  The problem is the fact that the filename is always left justified.
So if the filename begins with a capital 'M' or 'B' for example, when I cut the print I will almost always cut off the left most vertical line in the filename.  As a workaround I will do a mass rename of all the filenames to begin with an embedded space.  That way I won't cut off the beginning part of the letter.  I then rename the files back to their original names.

Therefore as a feature request I am asking for the same capabilities as the floating text settings.  I want to be able to center justify the print info.  Maybe even add a drop shadow or some other font feature like what is available in floating text.

thanks for listening
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2016, 01:08:13 AM »

As you have discovered, the "Info" box is a sort of quick-and-dirty method of printing file information below the prints.  More complex formatting is deferred to floating text and that feature already supports what you are suggesting.  What I would do in a case like yours is create a layout containing the prints/sizes I want and I'd add floating text, centered, on each of the templates showing the file name and any other (for example EXIF) info I want.  You can save that layout and just load the layout in the future whenever you'd like to print with the info centered under those (size) prints.  You'd just select "Custom", "Layout", load that layout and you can add thumbnails with the "+" button on each thumbnail (single or in batch), drag to open templates on the page, etc.

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