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Author Topic: This is for Fred -- Question on AI Driver setting  (Read 3731 times)
Full Member
Posts: 107

« on: August 19, 2022, 06:19:59 PM »

Qimage Driver AI Review_08-19-2022

I am checking to see if settings AI makes are different to what I have been

using.  I am using one of my Epson R800 printers.

Printer Profile:  Let Printer Driver manage color.
Type set to:  Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper
Using Quality set to -- Text & Image -- .

However, if  ANY of the other settings (are used) except Draft which are:
Text, Text & Image, Photo, Best Photo,--  AI will set to DRAFT and And

indicates:   Quality set to Fine 

The Bottom Driver AI setting is checked.
 "Always set Driver print quality to highest available"
(top 3 are NOT checked)
AI Changes choice in Quality to:   DRAFT
And indicates:   Quality set to Fine

This (to me) does not appear to be correct.
How can DRAFT be considered to be Fine Quality.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2022, 08:27:05 PM »

Vern, Hi this is Fred.
I have the R800 driver and it i working perfectly. It is overriding your draft setting because it is programmed to make the best prints possible using your choice of paper and profile. That's what it is doing. It has set the quality to lower than the best because of your paper choice. But still the best it can be with that paper.
Now you just change the paper selection from your Photo Quality Inkjet Paper  to Premium Glossy Photo paper and Qimage AI changes the quality to the best quality which is Photo RPM.
What I suggest is that you click on the gear wheel and when the box opens, remove the 4 checks from the bottom of that screen. Now you are in manual mode and Qimage will allow you to use Draft and whatever else you prefer for whatever reason you prefer. Essentially, you have shut off the AI feature.
Perhaps it's exerting influence when you are really drafting.
Hope this helps.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 08:42:06 PM »

Well, I'm not Fred but...

This was covered in the 2023.100 thread but I'll repeat it here.  The R800 is now 20 years old and those old Epson drivers had two areas where you could select something they called "Quality".  Newer drivers do not have these contradictions.  You are looking at the main driver window where it shows "Quality Options".  These are basically presets where you can select an option and the driver automatically selects several parameters.  Qimage has in fact set quality to the highest available for that paper type but the driver doesn't know how to select the "preset" properly.  There isn't even a "Draft" quality for Photo Quality Inkjet Paper (see below).

If you want to see the actual quality setting in the R800 driver, click the "Advanced" button on the bottom right of the first driver window and then click "Continue" if you get a warning message about you having to be an expert to use that mode.  On the advanced window that appears, you'll notice that there is a new quality dropdown that says "Photo".  In fact, "Photo" is the only available option for Photo Quality Inkjet Paper: there isn't even a selection for "Draft".  So Qimage actually made the proper setting but the driver didn't know how to update the selection on that other screen.

P.S.  2023.100 says it chose "Fine" because Epson changed their wording back in about 2005 but only the names changed so Qimage is still doing it right (setting it to the highest available which the driver calls "Photo") but naming convention for the quality setting might not line up if you happen to still have a printer that is that old... and is still running.  Wink

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