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Author Topic: This is happening again  (Read 8845 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« on: March 01, 2018, 02:43:32 AM »

When I put this out there years ago it was very inconsistent.  Now it is consistent.  I load images in the queue and crop them in the page editor.  Open any one of them in the full editor, modify the filter and save, and the crops are undone on all images in the queue.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 11:13:48 AM »

Now it is consistent.  I load images in the queue and crop them in the page editor.  Open any one of them in the full editor, modify the filter and save, and the crops are undone on all images in the queue.
Hi Mel,

I cannot reproduce it from your description, so how about a step by step.
You crop in the page editor.
Then into Image editor, and do exactly what? (TTS  2/150    saturation change, Sel Color change?Huh?
Then when you say save, precisely, saving the image or saving the filter?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2018, 12:27:45 PM »

The only way I can make this happen is a case where it should happen.  If you add a print with auto-cropping turned off and then you open the image editor and change/create a new crop that doesn't match the aspect ratio of the image, the print crop is removed because the print size changes (and the crop is no longer applicable to the new print size).

Other than that, I can't reproduce what you reported and I can see no way that editing the image could cause the print crop to disappear: they are stored separately and one does not affect the other.

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2018, 02:41:42 PM »

OK - not in my QU machine right now so when I get there I will go through it step by step and update.

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2018, 06:01:22 PM »

OK - I resolved this - sort of.  Likely another case of user error.  My fault for probably not keeping up with QU changes (although you will probably tell me this has been there for 5 years - wouldn't surprise me Grin)

In the page editor there is a tick box for "Save crop for this image/size"

If I check that box the crops all stay and there is no problem.  But if I don't check that box, the behavior that I described does occur.


Crop scissors on

Print size 8x10,

Letter size paper.

Add three images to the queue. So there are now 3 pages each with an 8x10 print.

Enter the page editor and zoom crop each print (using the rotate tick box on one of them although I don't think that matters)

Either from the edit page screen or the preview page, double click on any one print to enter the full editor.

Make any edit changes (sharpness, fill, contrast - whatever)

Click "Done: in the full editor (applying the filter only to the selected print)

And  all of three prints have lost their crop settings.

As I say - I have the resolved this with the tick box.

Thanks for the response

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2018, 06:56:44 PM »

In the page editor there is a tick box for "Save crop for this image/size"

Wow, glad you found that one Mel.
To tell the truth (with a red face), if you would have asked me whether there was a check box for that, I would have shrugged with a HUH?
In all the years, I have never touched that box. The checkmark is a sticky one and always has been there for me.

There is a checkmark for save in the newer print crop that Mike gave us a few weeks ago, (see attached) but I like the old one best

I think you should get a kudo or a half a kudo; a ku.

You made my day, Mel.
Hope all is well.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2018, 08:25:59 PM »

To tell the truth (with a red face), if you would have asked me whether there was a check box for that, I would have shrugged with a HUH?
In all the years, I have never touched that box. The checkmark is a sticky one and always has been there for me.
Mel, Just for the Halibut, I opened my Qimage (OLD) from 8 years ago, and there's the checkmark.

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2018, 01:36:56 AM »

Fred -

Ha - that seriously makes me wonder what other features QU may have that I am being a total dork about using.  Note that I posted my initial message about this "problem" back in 2011, and no one said to me then - or now - Hey dumkopf - are you saving the crop?? I am so used to doing what I do the way I do it that I don't think about it - or how I might do it better. And of course if something doesn't work the way I expect it to, it's never because I'm not using it correctly, it must be a program bug - right?

Also interesting that now - as you point out - no longer need the page editor to do these crops, and as of 2018.115 no longer need it for soft proof - which I do now and then.  Still need it I guess for the HQ preview.

Thanks for adding some humor rather than just pointing (the finger) at the obvious brain cramp.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2018, 10:39:39 AM »

Thanks for adding some humor rather than just pointing (the finger) at the obvious brain cramp.

Also interesting that now - as you point out - no longer need the page editor to do these crops, and as of 2018.115 no longer need it for soft proof - which I do now and then.  Still need it I guess for the HQ preview.

Mel, I am too old for brain cramps. I used to get them along with a brain freeze at times.
Now, I consistently walk into a room, stop, and wonder why.
Those are brain farts.

On the Print  cropping, I still am more comfortable with the little box in the Page editor screen.
I use it often when I try to construct a round DVD label from a rectangular cover or poster. I move the little image around trying to visualize a round print surface trying to get as much centered as possible.
I drag, and can see the large one on the left move too. I guess I am used to that.

The other (new) print crop feature is slightly different although the results are the same.
Instead of moving the image around inside the box, with the new cropper, you move the  box around over the image.

Stay well.
Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2018, 01:23:20 AM »

This is mind boggling to me.  How could I use Qimage all of these years - at least 14 I think - and not be aware of that tick box???  We are talking about thousands of printed images, and many hundreds of pages of multi-print layouts that were bound into albums. In addition to the thread from 2011 that I referenced, I know somewhere back there I put up another post about how my rotated images were getting unrotated after editing.  I even prided myself on my "workaround" of saving the layout as a job and then recalling it after completing all edits.  Undoubtedly I was rotating them with the rotate box in the page editor and paying no attention to the neighboring tick box about saving the crop.  I don't know whether to scream or kick myself or perhaps scream while kicking myself.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2018, 12:23:56 PM »

This is mind boggling to me.  How could I use Qimage all of these years - at least 14 I think - and not be aware of that tick box???
I  didn't remember there was a tick box because mine was always checked. 
So how great is that.
Mel, Let me offer wisdom from my vast experience.

When you wake up in the morning, and you stretch your arms out to the side, and you do not feel wood, it is a good day!

Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2018, 04:45:56 PM »

After being completely unaware of the tick box for over a decade, I might as well salvage some dignity out of this. 

The label on the tick box is slightly incorrect.  It should say "Save crop for this image/aspect ratio."  The good news of course is that the saved crop works for any image with the same aspect ratio, not just the same size.
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