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Author Topic: thumbnail generaton speed  (Read 4886 times)
Posts: 9

« on: April 22, 2019, 07:55:28 PM »

I opened a folder containing 500 jpg images in QImage Ultimate today and it's been sitting (apparently) doing nothing for 20 minutes or so.
Windows Task Manager says it's not responding but shows that it's using 5-10% CPU and ~22MB RAM.  I'm running a 3-core AMD CPU and 8GB RAM on Windows 10 if that helps any.
Is this normal for just creating thumbnails of jpg images?  There are no RAW files - just jpg's.
I have many directories that have hundreds of images in each - I'm hoping this isn't what I'll be faced with every time I go to a new directory.
Any comments / suggestions appreciated.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 08:38:43 PM »

Is this normal for just creating thumbnails of jpg images?  There are no RAW files - just jpg's.
I have many directories that have hundreds of images in each - I'm hoping this isn't what I'll be faced with every time I go to a new directory.
Any comments / suggestions appreciated.

Jpgs open almost instantly.
So let's check some of your settings.
Click on VIEW Menu at the top.
Make sure there us a check in jpg so Qimage knows what to ignore .
See snap.

Thumbs quality set to BEST

Thumbs ON/ OFF set to ON

Thumb size Large

Select as many thumbs as you wish by highlighting them and holding the control key.
Now click in that same menu, Rebuild Thumbs.
Results are???
Posts: 9

« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2019, 09:03:50 PM »

I took the dog for a walk and the thumbnails were there when I got back so somewhere between 20-60 minutes to build the initial thumbnails / cache - it was set to medium size.
I changed the thumbnail size to large and it seems to have regenerated them in about 30 seconds.
I checked the file types and they are all checked, as in your screenshot.
Selected 9 images and clicked rebuild thumbs (F5) which also seemed to take about 30 seconds.

I will try another directory that has several hundred images and see if the same thing happens.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2019, 09:56:29 AM »

I will try another directory that has several hundred images and see if the same thing happens.

OK Bear in mind.
Refresh thumbs restores thumbs only. Rebuild thumbs tells Qimage to rebuild thumbs and CACHE FILES.
Qimage will generate a special image file for each image which it uses internally. That will take longer, depending on the size of the image. (number of pixels).
There should be no concern for the user as this cache build takes place only once.  If you make any adjustments or refinements to the image, of course, Qimage will need to make a new cache and a new thumb reflecting the change to that one.

Another item to check is the setting for your processor to be set to most efficient for this intensive process. Please see screen snap.
Last one would be to keep an eye on the progress as the thumbs and cache are building.
See screen snap.    It shows the number of images to be processed and the  progress     45, 46, 47,  etc. as it moves through the folder.
See if it gets stuck on any one particular image. We root that one out, and all good.

Posts: 9

« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2019, 01:46:22 AM »

Must have been a random Windows thing or maybe it was because the folder was on a UNC network drive but the issue hasn't re-occurred since.
Thanks for the assistance though, Fred!
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