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Author Topic: Thumbnails disappeared?  (Read 4002 times)
Posts: 5

« on: February 18, 2025, 10:27:33 PM »

In the down left corner of the Qimage Ultimate I'm used to see the thumbnails
of the file-list above it.
But suddenly I no longer see the thumbnails, only the filelist (which now takes all of the left side).
I have option on menu VIEW > THUMBS OFF / On on ON.

When I click on widget of the File-list, the File-list disappear and the Thumbnails are
visible again. But this is not the solution.

I have just installed V 2025.101

Any idea how to get my Thumbnails back, next to the file-list?

Kind regards,
Bert Fokke
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2025, 12:29:44 AM »

Can you post a screen shot?  I'm not quite understanding how you are describing it: like it's something other than just the normal file list when thumbs are turned off.

Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2025, 09:22:48 PM »

Thank you for replying.  Meanwhile I found the cause/solution.
I share a dropbox drive with three different computers, which have very
different resolutions (from FullHD to 4K).
When I use the FullHD laptop after I fully use the 4K display it somehow
hides the thumbnail area in such a way I can not reach it.

However when I make the window of QImage smaller on the 4K computer and
then go to the laptop I can see the search thumbnail area again.

Is there anyway I can prevent this behaviour and the windows setting is
independent and stays the same on each computer?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2025, 09:39:46 PM »

Qimage remembers everything session-to-session including the window size and position.  So if you set the window size on a particular computer, it's installation of Qimage will remember the settings for that computer.  The other computers should be independent.  So I don't understand where there is an issue.  The computer with the 1080 display would remember whatever settings worked for that display and the other computer that uses a 2160 4K display would remember the settings appropriate for that one.  Also, whenever you click the maximize button, it'll fit the main window to whatever monitor you are using.

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