After reading what you wrote, I'm not sure you realize that the tone selection is a single selection. So if you selected the hair and then the red dress, your tone target is the last thing you selected (the red dress). In that image, I think I'd try some things to see what effect they have depending on what you want to emphasize:
(1) Try selecting the green in the background and then click the color swatch and select "Target all tones EXCEPT the selected tone". Then sharpen. This will bring out everything in the foreground: car, skin tones, red dress.
(2) Try selecting skin tones (on the face for example) and select "Target the selected tone". This will emphasize the girl.
(3) Select the green in the background, select "Target the selected tone", and use a USM of something like 2 radius and -200 strength. This will smooth out the background (trees and grass) and remove the noise from those areas.
Also keep in mind that you can use some very high levels of sharpening for effect
in conjunction with the shadow noise filter for some really clean, sharp effects!
Edit: I just tried it on your image. Use the dropper on the green of the trees in the background. Select "Target all tones EXCEPT the selected tone". Use 1/200 USM. Check the checkbox for "Shadow Noise". That combo makes the subject burst to life (skin, hair, face, dress) and it wipes out all the noise in the background at the same time.
Hello All
Just had a couple of hours trying out the new feature.
I think it will take a bit of getting used to.
Posted a couple of my efforts on Blog - overall sharpen, other two selected colour - the hair and red dress.
Have now gone cross eyed, what do the rest of you think, don't laugh to much

at least they are more interesting than a tree
