Oh last question and sorry to go off topic a little? Camera Profiles for RAW processing, anyone using these and how much of an improvement do see/get???
It depends on the camera and the model as to how much improvement. Nevertheless, it makes the colors accurate, whether it is a little or a lot, it is worth the 17.95.
ow remind me QU can be installed to run in parrallel with QS, yes???
Yes, Qimage Ultimate installs in it's own folder, but shares the data with the QSE and the profiles, etc.
Slick as can be.
Mike just added a new touch.... Tone Targeted sharpening using an RGB value to tighten teh color range.
This now on the
http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/tts.htm page.
Hi Fred
Many thanks for the prompt feedback ~ the cameras in question are the Canon 350D and 40D but I also have older RAWs from my KM A2 and the Fuji F700. I wonder if Mike could do a multi purchase discount???
I was just trying to dl the build 107 and it kept failing and then whizz bang there is build 108 ready to dl

I think another poster asked about a pdf manual, that would be nice, is there one to dl?