Title: Trip Tych Post by: sync007 on February 20, 2019, 07:09:25 PM Hi, is there an easy way to split an image into 3 separate images and then print each one?
Like this https://www.canvaspop.com/products/triptych Thanks Title: Re: Trip Tych Post by: Fred A on February 20, 2019, 07:30:45 PM Quote Hi, is there an easy way to split an image into 3 separate images and then print each one? In the Image editor use the crop tool and crop a left side (paying attention to the pixel location). OPEN FILE and select SAVE AS, and name it "Left"Slide the crop to the right, locating it properly, and again FILE SAVE AS and name it right. Clear your queue and place both new imageson the page and drag to locate where you want them. I have done that many times. I have borders... for effect. Fred |