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Author Topic: UI settings  (Read 3877 times)
Posts: 8

« on: January 13, 2023, 06:25:48 PM »

I have an annoying (personal) item that began sometime last summer and I'm suspecting it is associated with an update during that time.

Whenever I open Qimage Ultimate, it defaults to the Main display (middle Display of 3) and changes the last used Thumbnail and Live View settings (size) rather than opening on the last used monitor with the settings I now have to reset each time. I'm sure there is an option for saving your setup for Qimage to open with the last used UI settings, because it always used to open on my large (left) monitor that I'm having to move it to whenever I now open it. I haven't been able to find a way to save and recall the UI settings in the Preferences menu or other Save options. I realize this could be a W10 issue, but...if there's a QiU solution, please let me know. Maybe I shouldn't be referring to this as "User Interface" but that's what comes to mind for a description. I can give more system and QiU details if needed. TIA!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 06:49:51 PM »

How do you have your three displays set up in Windows?  Meaning, is your desktop spread across the three displays or is the desktop "duplicated" on all three.  I believe that is a Windows setting.  Qimage is only compatible with the former: desktop in "extend" mode.

As long as your displays are set to "extend" the desktop, it should work since all Qimage is doing is memorizing and recalling the position on the display(s) and the x/y position determines which monitor it appears on.

Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2023, 10:00:37 PM »

Thanks, Mike.

As I stated early in my rambling, everything was normal up until late summer or fall and that's when QiU started defaulting to the main display when opening (main being toolbar, etc. location). I was hoping there was a setting associated with Qimage as to which monitor it opened/appeared on and would retain the window settings for Thumbnails and Live View. It's not a big deal and I've been dealing/living with it for a few months and can continue to do so if there's no magic setting to save and recall. I'm coming up on 2 years of use with Qimage and have it running most of the time. Again, maybe its a Windows thing.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2023, 12:22:18 PM »

That's why I asked the questions I asked: I haven't touched the code dealing with which monitor is used in 5+ years.  So the change has to be on your system.

The way Qimage remembers which monitor it is on is, as I said, by the position of the window.  Let's say you have three monitors, all 1920x1080.  If Windows is set up to "extend displays" and they are set up left to right, your desktop will cover:
0-1919 in the X direction on display 1
1920-3839 on display 2
3840-5759 on display 3

So if you drag Qimage to the left window and maximize it, the top/left of the window is 0,0.  When you close Qimage, the next time you reopen it, it restores the window position which is 0,0 and it is on your left monitor.

If you drag it to the middle monitor and maximize it, the top/left is now 1920,0.  When you close Qimage and reopen it, it restores that 1920,0 window position and it opens on the middle monitor.

And so on.

So for Qimage to change what monitor it appears on, you would either have to drag it to a different monitor and close it from there... or there has been a change to your system that changed how the desktop is laid out on Windows.  For example, if you changed the display properties to "duplicate displays" instead of "extend displays", it won't work because all displays will be 0,0 to 1919,0.

Posts: 8

« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2023, 02:01:42 PM »

Thank You, Mike!

My bad for overlooking saying my monitors are in the "Extended” mode earlier. You’ve answered my question and the problem is on my end. My three monitors; 1) Dell XPS laptop display on the right at 1920x1080, 2) LG 32” 3840x2160 monitor on the left and 3) HP 24” 1920x1080 in the middle and each monitor has it's own Color Profile. If there’s been no change in Qimage in years related to window position on multiple monitors, the problem is on my end and that’s what I was hoping to figure out so I could pursue the next steps in coming up with a solution. There was another event/activity during the mentioned time-frame that I will investigate now that you’ve confirmed the issue isn’t related to an update.

Thank you so much for your help and for such an awesome Program!!!
Posts: 3

« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2023, 02:07:01 AM »

I have a new problem since I installed 2023.109:

My laptop monitor is 4k. I have 3 external 1080p monitors connected as well, including a Wacom One that I use for drawing and painting. I use an NEC MultiSync for photo editing and printing, because it has the most accurate colors, but the Qimage Ultimate UI is now truncated on all 3 external monitors since the .109 upgrade. The UI now appears normal on the laptop display only. The monitors are set up in extended desktop mode. The laptop screen is running on the integrated graphics card, an Intel UHD 630. The other three monitors are running on the nVidea Quadro T1000 card. All drivers are up to date. The attached picture is an example of what I see on all of the external monitors. This was not an issue before the .109 update. Any ideas as to what is going on here? Thanks in advance!

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2023, 12:50:22 PM »

What version were you previously running?  There were no changes whatsoever that would affect monitor or UI display behavior from 2023.108 to 2023.109.  So something likely changed on your system rather than Qimage if you are talking about 2023.108 vs 2023.109.

Posts: 8

« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2023, 03:39:17 PM »


After going through a number of threads looking for a similar challenge to mine, I tried the "hold the Shift key while launching Qimage" option which just added to the frustration, having everything reset in my working Qimage window...but that was expected and would have been worth the effort of resetting things back to my personal preferences had it solved my issue.

What solved the problem was to open Qimage, which opened on the middle display, moved and resized it to the left 4K monitor and set the Live View/Thumbs to my liking (as usual) and then opened the Windows Display Settings for my monitors. For my system settings, my middle monitor is selected for "Make this my main display" and I changed that selection to the left 4K monitor where I work with Qimage. I closed Qimage, restarted the computer/laptop and launched Qimage (wait for it...wait for it.....) and it opened on the left 4K monitor with my preferred settings! I then opened the Windows Display Settings for my monitors again and set the middle display (1920x1080) back to  "Make this my main display" again. Restarted the computer and opened Qimage. Now it is like it used to be, always opening on the left 4K monitor, before Qimage started opening on the "Main display" (middle) by default.

For those of us who don't write code and have a vast working knowledge of how everything works and interacts, Windows can create many challenges along the way in using our computers. I don't know if my solution can help cdx54, or put him on a path to find his solution, but I thought I should post the END of my story. Thanks again for your terrific software and support!!
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