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Author Topic: Ultimate's 2014 opener .105  (Read 4081 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« on: August 03, 2013, 08:57:46 PM »

Mike released 105 today, just a few days after the initial 100 version.

Remembering that this 2014 was a Block Buster edition with huge new features such as a full blown data base, as well as the sharp new skin, you have to appreciate the work and dedication that goes into a new overhaul.
This is not your typical auto model change where they change the shape of the grill and call it new.

This puppy is so new that I think, with your kind indulgence, I'll try to explain in my plain English what is new in version 100-105.

First we have the ability to "TAG" folders with descriptions. WHY? What do I need that for?
I have many folders with similar names because they are repeated visits to the same shore of the Gulf of Mexico.  So I might have 6 this year that carry a folder name of Venice Jetty 07-XX-2013.
But they are not the same, are they?   Different shots in each.
That's where the description comes in... TAG: Flying pelicans; Helicopter; sunset shots....  Get the idea?

Besides that, I can label the images individually.... anything you like...
I label the ones that I print large: "Print"

Click the Binoculars... type in the word or words for either the folder or the images.... and CLICK, they appear.

The 105 version specifically addresses the consideration of backing up your folders AKA making a copy of a folder on another drive.
We need to have those tags that we labeled carried over to out other copies of the folders, be those Back Up copies on a second hard drive, an external drive, or both.

So using Flash Card Copy Move, also called FCCM in Ultimate, you can copy Source to Destination, and the Tags move too.

As an extra, Mike added the ability to edit, correct, add words to the description while in the search box. Pretty neat eh?

If you have any areas that need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.

You can email me at wathree.ssz@verizon.net, or happy to meet you over the telephone;   941 359 1933.

Have fun

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