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Author Topic: How to save a Job in .jpg to become a web page?  (Read 4757 times)
Posts: 34

« on: March 13, 2015, 11:15:27 PM »

I completed a montage: a single page w/9 photos w/borders.  I saved it as a Job.  Now how do I save it as a .jpg to become a page in my website?  I might have missed it in my search of QU "Help", & this forum's "Search".

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 09:08:31 AM »

Now how do I save it as a .jpg to become a page in my website?

Good morning,
Put your montage back on screen as if you are ready to print it.
(Assuming you have installed the current version of Qimage Ultimate )  scroll your mouse pointer across the little Print Setup button, upper right corner.
It will say Right Mouse Click will take you to Print To File.
You didn't mention what size the page was... so I can't help you with sizes.
If it is for a web page, you probably don't need 300 ppi.  So something along the lines of the screen snap attached.
After that, click the Print button, same as if you were printing to paper.
Notice a check in a box marked RIP. (Rest in Peace)   That removes the white areas. (see the difference)
In your case with multiple images on a page, NO CHECK IN THAT BOX.
Hope this works for you.

Posts: 34

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 10:48:30 PM »

Thanks very much, Fred.

Two more really neat features in Qimage to know of.  Your step by step and attachments really help show the path.  BTW, I was in the "Print to File" dialog yesterday and worked it and clicked "OK".   That was a dead end for me - didn't realize that clicking the "Print"  button (upper right) would get more "Print to File" dialogs.  I've been clicking that button for years to print a hard copy.

BTW, I installed -118 right after finishing the last exchange....made me feel like Rip van Winkle.

I still think you should be knighted or awarded some sort of title/prize for your long time QU efforts.    (cc) to Mike  :-)

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2015, 08:53:42 AM »

I still think you should be knighted or awarded some sort of title/prize for your long time QU efforts.    (cc) to Mike  :-)

Alas, Terry said, "No awards or medals for Fred until I can do print sizes in millimeters like he does."
Glad you got QU to do what you needed.
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