QImage Ultimate 2023.115
Canon PRO-300 (2 months old)
Canon Pro Platinum 4x6 Paper (measured as 4 x 6)
I have been trying to print 4x6 images with a fixed 0.25" border on all sides. (having now been educated on the horrors of borderless printing

What is actually produced is a bit strange; the top and left side borders are equal at about 9/32" (~ 7mm), the right side and bottom borders are equal at about 7/32" (~ 5.5mm).
The 'error' of +1/32" on two borders and -1/32" on two borders seems trivial, but it is obvious.
I have endeavored to make sure all the borderless expansion options are turned off in the driver and that the QImage Ultimate options are set correctly.
Fiddling with the paper does not seem to affect the output, it appears to be repeatable. Maybe this is as good as the printer can produce?
I would appreciate any thoughts anyone may have. TIA
Best Regards
PS. Is it 256K per attachment or 256K total for all attachments?