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Author Topic: Usability Question  (Read 1049 times)
Posts: 46

« on: January 23, 2025, 05:25:51 PM »

I find that when I make certain changes on the Printers and Settings panel, multiple changes happen at once.

For example, if I change the Media Type setting, it often brings up the last Printer Profile that was associated with that media type.

The net, net here is that I often can't just make one change without having to go back through many settings in order to make sure that they haven't changed also.  And if I forget to do this, it's another wasted sheet of paper.

Is there a way to turn off this feature?

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2025, 07:56:32 PM »

The only time I can think of that being a problem is if you are doing things backwards.  The order of settings on the Printers and Settings tab is the order you should be doing things.  For example, select your printer, then the media type, then media size, and so on.  As long as you do things in the proper order, there should not be a problem.  If you select a new media type, when would you not want Qimage to bring back the last profile used for that printer and media type?  Those were the remembered settings for that printer and media type.  The only answer I can think of is if you are doing things backwards: picking a profile first and then wanting to change to the media type you intend to use for that profile.  If that's what is happening, my answer is: do things in the proper order.  That is, pick your printer, then media type so Qimage knows the context for the changes that are to follow, and then select your profile.

And of course, the best general answer here is to always create printer setups for all your printers and their associated media so that you are only fooling with settings one time per printer and media type.  That way there is no need to change settings like profile, driver, etc. when you want to use a certain media with a certain printer (and profile); you just recall that printer setup and there's no question what you are getting.

Posts: 46

« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2025, 10:22:56 PM »

OK.  I see your point. I will change my methodology to use printer setups and/or work down the dialog instead of randomly.

(Although I should think the profile would drive the media rather than vice-versa.  A media can support many kinds of papers, but a paper only recommends a specific media.)

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2025, 02:14:20 AM »

(Although I should think the profile would drive the media rather than vice-versa.  A media can support many kinds of papers, but a paper only recommends a specific media.)

It's a 1:1 relationship no matter how you do it so it makes more sense to select what printer you are using, then there will be a dozen or so media types for that printer, and that dictates the profile.  Then you can drill down from the printer to the media rather than searching through potentially hundreds of random profiles for random printers.  Just makes more sense to start at the top rather than down in the weeds.

Posts: 46

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2025, 04:33:54 AM »

Would I be correct to assume that profiles contain neither a printer ID nor a media type as metadata?
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2025, 02:59:13 PM »

That's correct.  Best you can do to identify them is by file name.  The profile may have a manufacturer and a type (printer,monitor,etc.) but that's it.

Posts: 46

« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2025, 05:51:18 PM »

Again, I would request that I can optionally disable this function.

Even taking into account your suggestions, I spent much of the morning testing papers before I realized that both the BPC and Rendering Intent settings are also changed based on the Media Type.  Tossed out a couple of hours of work.

I would have thought that those preferences would have remained set to what's in the Preferences/Color Management Dialog, not based on a particular medium.  That's pretty counter-intuitive to me with respect to menu hierarchies.

Excuse the rant, but I'm just frustrated at having to start over.

Are there any other settings not on the Printers and Settings page that are controlled by the Media Type?

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