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Author Topic: Using 2 printers  (Read 7330 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 84

« on: March 01, 2012, 02:52:57 AM »

I have been printing with an Epson 7900 and am about to add big sister 9890 to the computer tomorrow.   Smiley
I am assuming that Qimage will only work with one printer at a time and  will only connect with which ever printer is turned on when I'm queuing up,is that correct?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 10:14:34 AM »

I have been printing with an Epson 7900 and am about to add big sister 9890 to the computer tomorrow.   Smiley
I am assuming that Qimage will only work with one printer at a time and  will only connect with which ever printer is turned on when I'm queuing up,is that correct?


David the answer is unequivocally Yes and no!

No, as in you cannot send an image to two printers at one time, but yes, as in (especially on a large print) once the printer has started, or put another way, once Qimage has finished processing, you can start another job.
If you have your printer set ups all saved, you need only to click RECALL, a desired setup from the 7900, (Change the image or not) and tell it to print.

The setup from RECALL will set the print size, the correct printer, all the driver settings, the correct print profile for the printer and the paper selection.
Click PRINT.

Further to that, you might save the whole JOB including the above, and the image, and any text, borders, margins, anything at all, reset in an instant.
Click Print.
All this while the 9890 is chugging through the first 2 inches of its print.

Jr. Member
Posts: 84

« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 04:26:52 AM »

Thanks Fred,
  So if I understand correctly, if running two printers at once, the only way to call up the second printers driver,is when you have already saved either a setup, or a job with settings saved for that printer, if you already have the first job spooled and running on the first printer.
Conversly, if you only want to use one printer at a time, just power up and load paper and  Qimage will recognize the printer that is turned on and ready to print, and will call up the driver for that printer.

Now all I have to do is get  the Ethernet connections figured out  Roll Eyes and I'll hopefully be up and running soon Wink

Thanks again,
« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 04:29:33 AM by davidh » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2012, 10:03:32 AM »

So if I understand correctly, if running two printers at once, the only way to call up the second printers driver,is when you have already saved either a setup, or a job with settings saved for that printer, if you already have the first job spooled and running on the first printer.
Conversly, if you only want to use one printer at a time, just power up and load paper and  Qimage will recognize the printer that is turned on and ready to print, and will call up the driver for that printer.

Yes, and no!
Don't you hate it when people say stuff like that!  Smiley

If you only want to use one printer at a time, Qimage will REMEMBER the last printer used.

So if the last printer used is the one you want to use now, then Yes, all you have to do is load the paper.
If the one you want to use now is "the other" printer, then you will have to click on PAGE SETUP, top right of Qimage, just to the left of the PRINT BUTTON.
Open that and select the printer.

The saved JOB or saved printer setup is a shortcut for you.
You don't have to use that method.  You can select printer #2 manually, but that will entail, changing the printer, the paper, the printer profile, the print size, and teh quality settings.
All this is, including not having to open page setup is done for you in one click of OPEN, after you select the proper printer setup.


Jr. Member
Posts: 84

« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 01:32:13 AM »

   Right! Got it!,
Fred your da man! Kiss Thanks again!!
 I luv this site, Mike, and Qimage Ult !!!!

"If you only want to use one printer at a time, Qimage will REMEMBER the last printer used".

One very important thing to remember for sure! I have  too often caused myself grief by not remembering that the program remembers last settings  Roll Eyes Wink


« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 03:34:51 AM by davidh » Logged
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